Monday, September 19, 2011

How can I serve you?

Luke 22: 24 A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25 Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.


Lack of confidence has not been an issue with me in the past. “I am the most humble person I know.” In fact “I am the best at not only being humble, but I’m the best at not bragging.” Hopefully you caught the joke in that statement.

When I stopped doing certain sins I was humble, or at least I thought I was, but something happened when my zeal for others to stop their sins became more important than the person. I confidently approached people about believing in CHRIST but made it seem like they had to be perfect before GOD would help them. How naive.

  • When I judge others I am not serving them.
  • Even if I’m on a “serving” committee my heart may not be serving.
  • When I’m so wrapped up in telling GOD to fix my problems I can’t seem to serve.
  • Even if GOD brings me out of the situation I forget my promises to HIM and go back to my sins.

False humility can creep in quickly when I try my best to stop sinning and I look at what others are doing.  Yes the Bible does say to correct each other in love and to correct those who sin against me. But the GOD also says be very humble and careful about my approach otherwise I “will” fall into the same sin.

My goal should not be to receive awards from humans for what I’ve done to please GOD. I should do the things GOD tells me to do without the need for a thank you or a notice of recognition.

  • My service to others is recorded by GOD.
  • Every act of kindness I perform should be done without bragging so the benefactor will focus on GOD, not me.
  • Even if I’m the “boss” I need to serve my employees and those who support my efforts.

Serving is becoming a lost art. “WIFM” is what’s in it for me? GOD’s answer to WIFM is “your eternal salvation along with heavenly treasures for humble serving is in it for you.” I have to remember my greatness is only because of GOD’s greatness.

  • Do you think you are in control of your life?
  • Are you upset at GOD’s plan for your life?
  • Can you recognize the need to be humble while serving others?

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