Colossians 2: 2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Achievement was my staple as I won another award. When I surveyed the plaques, trophies and medals I had won I felt proud of where I had climbed. I was so proud of myself that I couldn’t get enough of hearing how well I was doing from others. I would set lofty goals and climb high to achieve them and wait for the applause. “I wonder if anyone is in pain” never crossed my mind.
- When I focus on self-achievement I can lose focus on others.
- When I focus on “me” getting ahead I can forget to serve people in pain.
- When I focus on gaining treasures on earth I can get caught up in lusts that derail me from seeing GOD.
Many times I sought power, position and payment as my goal of success. Once I achieved my goal, it never seemed like it was enough. My monetary goal had to become greater and I had to have a bigger title. This left little time for me to see who was hurting or in pain. BUT GOD saw them and wanted me to act different.
- GOD sees people in pain and wants me to open my eyes to them as well.
- GOD sees people who are discouraged and wants me to encourage them to believe in HIM.
- GOD sees people who are thrown away and wants me to show united love as an example of how much GOD loves all.
Many times I get so caught up in trying to get people to stop doing a certain sin that I never look at how much compassion GOD wants me to have on others. I think I can solve their problems by making more money and fighting a cause so my goals are geared towards sin eradication and wealth. BUT GOD wants me to have new goals of encouragement, compassion and united love to draw those who really need HIM.
GOD wants me to point at HIS SON instead of pointing at me.
- What are you trying to achieve?
- Are you feeling discouraged that you have not achieved what you think you should have achieved?
- Won’t you set goals to be more compassionate for someone today?
- Can you take a moment to encourage someone today?
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