Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In it for the long haul

2 Thessalonians 3: 13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.


 It seemed like nothing was going well for me that year. With bills piled high and demands piling higher, I felt nervous about the future.  Maybe I should be “good” I thought to myself. I mean if GOD see how good I have been then maybe I can be done with this trial. Months later I was still in the trial and I decided to give up on being “good.” I mean what “good” is it anyway?

  • When things are going wrong I look for immediate relief.
  • When things aren’t going the way I want them to I seek a way out of the trial.
  • When things are failing I may consult GOD but not trust HIM enough to let go of the test.

It seems like I start acting “good” when things are difficult. Maybe that’s why I face difficulty more and more. BUT GOD wants me to do “good” whether things are going well or not.

  • When I have plenty GOD wants me to share.
  • When I have few GOD wants me to praise.
  • When I have blessings GOD wants me to show gratitude.
  • When I have failures GOD wants me to seek grace.

“Good” guys actually do finish last but last is the best in GOD’s mind. HE did not find it a problem to become a lowly servant to me and HE wants me to feel the same. Wait a minute, what about healthy competition or fighting back? Well, in every situation I need to carry GOD with me, competing fairly and standing for what is right.

GOD wants me to be “good” showing love to draw people to HIM. I should do what is good not to get my way but for GOD to get HIS way.

  • Are you trying to manipulate GOD by doing good?
  • Are you getting tire of always being the “good” one?
  • Can you stop trying too hard and understand GOD loves your actions, large and small?
  • Won’t you do ”good” strictly to have GOD glorified?

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