Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Don’t mistake prosperity for GOD’s blessing

Judges 18: 30 There the Danites set up for themselves the idol, and Jonathan son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests for the tribe of Dan until the time of the captivity of the land.31 They continued to use the idol Micah had made, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh.


Dressed in my new suit, I ventured into a huge church.  This place seemed to have everything!  When I sat on one of the lavish pews I noticed several women sitting near me. I noticed this the next week and the next. Finally a couple of them introduced themselves but similar to that of being in a club.

The preacher drove a lavish car and the sermons were about how to live in prosperity. Meanwhile, I noticed the deacons sneaking peeks at the women and winking at me as if to say, “You didn’t see that.” The crowd was huge and since this was one of my first efforts to go back to church I said to myself, “This place is better than the clubs!”
  • Sometimes I can be fooled by fake prosperity.
  • Sometimes I can be fooled into thinking immense wealth will bring me closer to GOD.
  • Sometimes I can be fooled into seeking a place where I won’t be corrected so I can do what I want and blame it on GOD.

The Danites stole an idol and attacked peaceful people out of ignorance of what GOD desired for them. They worshipped the idol and broke one of the major commandments of GOD. I can relate to this because I was ignorant to what GOD wanted for me and when I got to the church where the preaching tickled my ears, I felt great!
  • GOD told me HIS word is like a two edge sword, it cuts the preacher and the receiver.
  • GOD told me HIS word applies to every human so I should look at my flaws before I make statements.
  • GOD told me HIS word is above any thought I could dream up so it’s best that I follow HIS ways.

Prosperity comes and goes, BUT GOD is here forever.  When HE said “I will never leave you nor forsake you” HE also meant HE would hang around and correct those who believe in HIM. The country I live in emphasizes two things way too much, money and sex.

It blinds us to our many other flaws like prejudice, hatred, slander, corruption and divisiveness to name a few. GOD made it easy, “love one another as I have loved you.” This simple command is easy to remember and breaks down any pitiful cause focused on one single sin.
  • Are you in a building calling itself a church that is not following GOD?
  • Do you feel GOD wanting you to grow?
  • Are you studying and learning about HIM?
  • Can you add “loving others” to your plan today?

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