Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Believing takes more than words.

John 7:3 Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do. 4 No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” 5 For even his own brothers did not believe in him.


“Inspect what you expect” was a term I was groomed with as a leader. In other words follow up behind the person to see if they were doing their job. Unfortunately, the more I “inspected” the more I noticed creativity flying out of the window.

I had become a micromanager, breathing down everyone’s neck. Every task I assigned was followed up with a question and soon the atmosphere of mistrust was born. It’s like I said “I trusted them”, yet assigned a private eye to spy on them.
  • Many times I said “I trust YOU LORD” yet I build plan “B” just in case HE doesn’t come through.
  • Many times I said “I trust YOU LORD” yet I lose sleep wondering if HE will take care of this problem.
  • Many times I said “I trust YOU LORD” yet I focus my efforts on trying to change an uncomfortable situation that GOD has placed me in.
Lack of trust comes from fear of the unknown. It’s kind of a defense mechanism for me. Since I am the captain of this ship I feel more comfortable seeing signs of progress rather than trusting the right things are happening in my life. GOD says something different.
  • GOD gave me enough words to believe in HIM and they are written in my heart and the Bible.
  • GOD shows me enough evidence to believe in HIS imminent return by the violence in nature and in humans.
  • GOD protected me through enough situations to believe HE will bring me through this one and many others.
When I “expect” GOD to act the way I want HIM to act then sometimes I am just using words instead of true belief. I have to drop the pretense that I trust HIM by really “trusting” HIM. This means to drop my worries, fears and doubts and “act” like HE is really going to do what HE said.
  • What has GOD promised you?
  • Are you acting like it won’t happen?
  • Do you believe HE can and will deliver you from whatever you are facing?
  • Won’t you stop faking your trust and truly believe in HIM today?

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