Monday, October 31, 2011

Is GOD speaking to you right now?

John 7:  45 Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and the Pharisees, who asked them, “Why didn’t you bring him in?”

 46 “No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards replied.


My boss barked out a question. “Do you know this interview candidate from your old company?” It was a person who had played political games with me and now it was my chance to get even.  Then “that” voice popped in my head. “Be forgiving” was the message.  “Aw man… I want revenge!” was my immediate reaction.

“Yes, you’re not seriously going to consider this person, are you?” was my answer with a feeling of triumph. I had gotten my way, but was it what I needed?

  • GOD speaks to me every day; I just don’t like the message.
  • GOD guides me in the right direction all the time, I simply choose another path.
  • GOD waits patiently on me to follow HIS way; I eagerly choose my sinful way.

People have told me they never hear GOD speak, well I hear HIM all the time. When “those” people make me angry, HE says be graceful and forgiving, yet I choose to be heard and win an argument while losing the war.

No one ever spoke the way this man does” was the guards’ reply to those who wanted to trap JESUS. I can only imagine what HE was talking about that changed their mind from evil to good.

  • HE tells me to look at my sin instead of investigating someone else’s.
  • HE tells me to tell those who sin against me they are forgiven.
  • HE tells me to look at the big picture of the other person’s salvation rather than winning this argument.

You know how I know GOD is speaking to me? Usually HE tells me to do something that I don’t want to do, but I can see how it would benefit HIS kingdom, not mine. HE never gives me some crazed message rather HE simple says, “Forgive” or “give” or “serve” or “return their hatred with love.” HE speaks in a quiet voice, it takes me to listen.

  • What is GOD saying to you?
  • Are you too busy trying to get your way to hear HIM?
  • Won’t you consult with HIM before you act?
  • Will you ask GOD “what do YOU want me to do in this situation?”

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