Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Released from a promise

Numbers 30:“Suppose a young woman is still living in her father’s house. She makes a special promise to the Lord. Or she takes an oath and agrees to do something
“Suppose her father hears about her promise or oath. And he doesn’t say anything to her about it. Then she must keep her promise. She must do what she agreed to do.

“But suppose her father doesn’t allow her to keep her promises when he hears about them. Then she doesn’t have to do what she promised or agreed to do. The Lord will set her free. He’ll do it because her father hasn’t allowed her to keep her promises.


Since GOD takes promises and authority very seriously HE allows times when promises can be broken.  HE recognizes situations where I haven’t thought through my promise because of my lack of exposure at the time.

  • GOD knows there may be situations for releasing me from a promise but getting tired isn’t one of them.
  • GOD recognizes I may have promised in haste and I may not be able to keep my promise so I need to learn not to promise something I can’t keep.
  • GOD sees when I should step up and make a promise and it will be up to me to seize the opportunity to take a harder road and remain disciplined to HIS way.

I have taken some difficult promises over the years that proved quite overwhelming.  “Not complaining about anything or being sarcastic for 30 days” proved to be eye-opening to say the least. Some promises are easy some seem to grow temptation to its paramount.

GOD says “take promises seriously but make promises to ME.” I may only make a few promises to the LORD in my life but the ones I make I need to keep.

  • Are you afraid to make a promise?
  • Are you willing to sacrifice something or follow through with something GOD is moving you to do?
  • Won’t you make a promise without thinking “GOD will understand if I don’t keep this promise?”
  • If you have been kept from fulfilling your promise can you understand GOD has released you?

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