Monday, September 23, 2013

Have Courage!

Numbers 32: 20 Then Moses said to them, “Do what you have promised to do. Prepare yourselves to fight for the Lord. 21 Prepare yourselves and go across the Jordan River. Fight for the Lord until he has driven out his enemies in front of him.

22 “When the land is under the Lord’s control, you can come back here. Your duty to the Lord and Israel will be over. Then the Lord will give you this land as your own.


Traffic seemed thick on this rainy day heading into work. Several drivers seemed persistent on cutting me off. At work it seemed like nothing but bad news spewed from each person I met. I felt unnerved when I heard about some of the larger issues.

Then one of the senior executives came to me and said “Take the weather with you!” He smiled and walked away whistling! “Why is he so happy? This is a rotten day and everyone around me is rotten!” I thought to myself.

  • Listening to negative attitudes can rob me of my courage.
  • My negative mindset can make me fearful.
  • Seeing nothing but problems can make me lose my courage.

Despair and hopelessness come from me dwelling on what I can or cannot see. I look at the situation with sinful eyes and see my feeble abilities going up against the giant problem and fear, doubt and worry ensues.  How can I handle giant problems?

  • I must realize that while I think I am fighting, it is really GOD who is striking the blows.
  • I must get in the battle in order for GOD to do the fighting.
  • I must have courage to face situations and admit I am weak so GOD can step up and show HIS strength.

If I run away from my problems and hide in the corner, the problems will overtake me and make me doubt GOD more and more. GOD wants me to step out on faith and HE will do the rest!

  • Are you facing problems that seem much larger than you expected?
  • Do you feel like running and hiding?
  • Can you look at GOD’s might and know HE is GOD?
  • Won’t you accept HIS awesome power and fight today?

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