Friday, October 28, 2016

Anything with Prayer

Amos 7: This is what the Sovereign Lord showed me: He was preparing swarms of locusts after the king’s share had been harvested and just as the late crops were coming up. When they had stripped the land clean, I cried out, “Sovereign Lord, forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!”

So the Lord relented.

“This will not happen,” the Lord said.


When another problem popped up I sprang into action. I had been around some very smart and confident people who seemed to be able to “think” their way out of situations, so I put my brain to the test. When my plans failed horribly I then turned to GOD.

  • Sometimes I think I can outsmart my situation.
  • Sometimes I think I can out-plan my situation.
  • Sometimes I think I can out-finance my situation.

“If I just had a little more money” or “If I just had another lesson” or “If I just had a better car, phone or suit” then, and I would fill in the blank to my desire. I would then start acting on my plan. While this seems quite harmless there is one missing important ingredient, namely GOD.

  • GOD wants me to pray to HIM before I move forward.
  • GOD wants me to believe HE listens to my prayers so I must have faith in HIS decisions.
  • GOD wants me to cry out to HIM in any situation, knowing HE wants what is best for me.

Even the largest situation that could have affected many people was turned back because of prayer. GOD still hears prayer. HE is listening right now waiting on my cry. I love GOD’s patience with me!

“LORD, please bless the reader right now. Let them know YOU care by handling their most difficult situation right now! Forgive! amen.

  • Do you have a large situation you are facing?
  • Do you feel there is no way out?
  • Can you cry to the LORD and ask HIM for forgiveness today?

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