Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Instructions for Today

Amos 5: 14 Seek good, not evil,
    that you may live.
Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you,
    just as you say he is.
15 Hate evil, love good;
    maintain justice in the courts.
Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy
    on the remnant of Joseph.


GOD enabled me to be forgiven through HIS SON, JESUS who is the CHRIST. HE volunteered to become a human so HE would, knowingly, be murdered because of sins I committed. HE was raised from the dead to everlasting life and HE was placed above everything in HIS rightful position.

  • GOD knows I will sin and has forgiven me for future sins.
  • GOD understands I have a sin nature, but wants me to seek good, not evil.
  • GOD sees my sinful heart but wants me to hate evil, love good and maintain justice in the courts.

“Perhaps” the LORD GOD will have mercy on me means HE may or may not, it’s HIS choice. BUT GOD HAS chosen to forgive me, so I am extremely excited to accept HIS instructions for me this day. HE doesn’t expect me to be perfect, not is HE pulling my past sins into today.

GOD simply wants me to acknowledge my need for HIM today. HE desires that my knee bow to HIM and my tongue confess that HE is LORD today.

  • Are you lost?
  • Do you think you have nowhere to turn?
  • Can you turn your face to GOD who is strong enough to forgive you of ALL your sins daily?

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