Monday, February 7, 2011

I’ll do anything for money!

Hebrews 13: 5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
   “Never will I leave you;
   never will I forsake you.”


Snow, snow, snow was the prediction last week and boy they were right for a change! Before the big snowstorm hit I threw some bread crumbs out on the patio for the birds from some old stale buns. I also threw some sunflower seeds on the step.

Then the big storm hit! Fifty mile per hour winds blew the tops off my barbeque grills that sat “on the patio.” When the storm was over I went to the front of the house and 3’ 6” drifts conquered our driveway. When I looked in the backyard drifts were the same except in one small area. The breadcrumbs were still there and so were the sunflower seeds! Birds gathered and ate!

  • Loving money is truly a problem.
  • Loving money causes me to worry when I don’t have it.
  • Loving money makes me fight anyone to try to keep it.
  • Loving money distracts me from giving.
  • Loving money thwarts any efforts of being generous.

Generosity is not a factor of how much wealth I have rather I am either generous or not. I have seen many people with far less than I have be far more generous. Unfortunately my generosity has been guided by how much I see in the bank rather than what GOD sees in me.

  • If I don’t have money then I can share my home.
  • If I don’t have a home then I can share my food.
  • If I don’t have food then I can share my joy.

GOD wants me to be content so I can cheerfully give to others. HIS church is comprised of people with needs and HE wants me to meet those needs without worry.  When I saw the birds feasting on breadcrumbs GOD had preserved I remembered that HE takes care of them, wouldn’t HE take care of me that much more?

Being content takes practice. Bills piled high and income low doesn’t always put me in the place where the words “be content” add comfort to my worries. BUT GOD does mean “be content” during tough times.

  • Be content during times of plenty.
  • Be content during very lean times.
  • Be content during peaceful situations.
  • Be content during trials.

Being content helps me keep the right perspective which is focused on GOD’s wealth, not mine!
  • Are you content with your current situation?
  • What are you worried about?
  • Can you release your worries and focus on GOD’s strength?
  • Do you have joy in your heart no matter what the circumstance?

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