Thursday, December 23, 2010

What do you mean I’m arguing?!

2 Timothy 2: 25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.


During a meeting a coworker began to rant and sway everyone to “his” side so much so that he became disruptive. Applause broke out when I dismissed him from the meeting. Unfortunately the damage had been done. All day I found myself in little quarrels that seemed to be quite irritating.

On the way home I noticed everyone driving exceptionally stupid. “Why is that person driving so slow and why is that person coming into my lane?” When I arrived home I noticed a number of things that were not accomplished or out of place.   “What’s wrong with everyone today?” I thought to myself.

·         When I feel like arguing everyone can be wrong and only “I” am right.
·         When I feel like arguing logic diminishes and seeking to get “my” way grows.
·         When I feel like arguing even GOD can seem wrong to me.

There are times when I want my way and GOD has designed a way for me to get it. When I have an opponent I need to be gentle in my approach rather than seeking to get my way.  GOD wants me to handle arguments differently because HE wants to “win” people not arguments.

·         When someone opposes belief in CHRIST, GOD wants me to be gentle not argumentative.
·         When a statement escalates to an argument, GOD wants me to seek reconciliation not revenge.
·         When a person is flat out wrong, GOD wants me to love and let go rather than argue and aggravate.

I am a very driven person who likes to win arguments, BUT GOD wants me to draw people to HIM rather than repel. HE wants gentle words that contain truth in hopes that the opponent will “come to their senses” and learn the truth. Many times I’m the one who needs the repentance.

·         Do you feel like arguing to be “heard” or can you let GOD nudge them in HIS direction?
·         Can you let go of a few quarrels today and not be “right” for a change?
·         How many arguments can you “diffuse” instead of “ignite”?

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