Friday, September 28, 2012

Where does true godliness come from?

1 Timothy 3: 16 Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:
He appeared in the flesh,
    was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory.


Trust is something that can be easily lost with me. I mean if a person is inconsistent with me then my trust level goes way down.  I know this is my defense but when a person wants to “win” my trust back, they have to “prove” they won’t do that thing again.

I wonder if I treat GOD the same way. Do I trust HIM or am I making HIM “prove” HIMSELF to be as faithful as HE says?

  • JESUS appeared as a human.
  • JESUS was blameless according to the HOLY SPIRIT.
  • JESUS was seen by angels in HIS glory and humanity.
  • JESUS miracles and teachings were preached throughout the nations and was believed all over the world.
  • JESUS was taken up to heaven where HE is building a place for me.

Many times I want GOD to prove HIMSELF to me because I face situation after situation. I want answers and I want them immediately. Fortunately for me GOD is faithful and HE allows me to test HIM with my faithless lenses. HE says “try ME and you will not be disappointed.”

This act of faith on HIS part increases my faith in HIM. HE took the first step of love toward me and all I have to do is believe and “trust” that HE will take care of me.

  • Have you lost your trust?
  • Are you suspicious about something or someone?
  • Can you increase your trust that GOD has the situation or person handled?
  • Will you release whatever is holding you back and “trust” GOD today?

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