Thursday, October 24, 2013

How do I know when the LORD is speaking?

Deuteronomy 18: 21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.


Pricey but sleek was my dream car at the time. It was next on my list of toys I was going to purchase. GOD must want me to have it, because I want it and I have the means to purchase it. I think I even had a date in mind. When the company cut positions, I no longer had the means to buy this pricey hunk of metal. Was my desire from GOD or me?

  • Just because a thought pops in my head doesn’t mean it’s from GOD.
  • Just because I really want something doesn’t mean GOD has blessed my desire.
  • Just because a circumstance is placed in front of me doesn’t mean that circumstance is flowing towards GOD’s plan.

I have heard preachers tell me the end of the world was supposed to happen on a specific date but the Bible says “No man knows the date or time” for this event. I have thought a person was or wasn’t going to do something BUT GOD did opposite of my thought. Is GOD opposing me on purpose? How do I know when HE is speaking?

  • GOD speaks through HIS HOLY SPIRIT HE placed inside of me and has written HIS laws on my heart and the HOLY SPIRIT reminds me to follow them.
  • GOD speaks through ordained humans, not always pastors or teachers, but those HE consecrates to say some tough messages that I sometimes do not like.
  • GOD speaks through HIS Bible which documents past, present and future events.

Why the mystery?  I mean if HE would just open up HIS mouth and audibly say something then everyone on earth would believe, right? Wrong! HE walked on the planet for years and years and many did not believe. Instead of begging for my love HE showed HIS by dying on the cross in my place.

  • Have you asked GOD to show you the way?
  • Have you given GOD the chance to say “no” to your idea or desire?
  • Have you sought GOD by reading HIS Bible?
  • Are you listening to what GOD is saying through other humans or are you critiquing them?
  • Do you check what humans are saying with what the Bible says?

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