Wow! This scripture came at the right time. I just got back from a missions trip to help rebuild New Orleans. It is kind of an easy way to share my faith. Sharing my faith isn't always easy.
One reason it isn't easy for me to share is because I have seen people approach me the wrong way and I don't want to do the same. Here is what I have run into in the past.
Believe or I'll force you to believe
People have approached me and started in their evangelism mode. With scriptures flying at me they assume I'm not a believer in the CHRIST. Once a person asked me if I believed in JESUS, when I said "yes" that wasn't good enough. The probing began and the scriptures flew. I was turned off immediately and I could not imagine this approach working for me, but maybe it does for someone else.
Scatter general seeds
While walking through large crowds I have run into people shouting or using bullhorns to get the message out. Once again, this is not my style. Please note that if this is your style I'm not knocking it, I just don't prefer it. Years ago a man followed me with a bull horn and it seemed like I couldn't escape his rants. He did state the truth that if the crowd did not believe in JESUS they would go to hell! This is still not my type of approach.
Get to know you
Personally I like to get to know the person, at least a little. As I worked on hanging durable composite siding on a house this week, a man named Daryl approached me. He complimented our work and thanked me for coming to help. I noticed he was carrying a paint brush, rollers and tray so I engaged him in conversation.
The unemployed man was trying to fix up his apartment. I couldn't pull away from our schedule, but I did get the opportunity to see if he needed prayer. He said "definitely" like Troy and Sherry and Earl and others who are in need in that city.
I have come to realize I can't always share the "Great News" about CHRIST the way I want to, but I can share when the moment is right. HE has called me to be "sent" to others in my community, city, state, country and globe.
There are so many people in need right now that you don't have to go far to offer your assistance. Just stick your head out your door and you will find someone who needs prayer.
- Are you the one who JESUS has "sent?"
- Are you resisting the calling on your life to tell "that person" about the greatness of JESUS?
- Does seeing, hearing or saying the name "JESUS" make you cringe or embarrassed?
- What is stopping you from sharing?
- Can you do something small like bring someone a drink of water today just because you want them to know CHRIST?
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