Friday, July 1, 2011

Want the divorce rate to drop?

Mark 10: 10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”


Commitment to marriage was a very scary idea to me. You mean I have to stay with this person until I or she dies? Wow! I guess she better change all her ways and do things my way! Right? Wrong!
  • Divorce happens when I give up on GOD’s statement “What I have put together let no man tear apart” not even you.
  • Divorce happens when I want what I want without trying to understand what GOD wants.
  • Divorce happens when my lust is greater than love.
Submission is a very strange word.  Yes one person may be quicker, stronger, empathetic, rugged, smarter, prettier or handsomer but talents or gifts are useless if the “wills” of both are not submitting to GOD’s structure. The more I bow to GOD, the more she bows to GOD.
  • Two separate hearts going in different directions can only be made one if I submit my will to GOD.
  • Two different wills desiring different things can only be tamed if I focus my will on GOD.
  • Two polar ideas headed down two opposite paths can only be merged if I trust GOD.
My wife and I disagree on several topics, but that disagreement should never escalate to me giving up on her. In fact in many instances I need to appreciate a different opinion to remain grounded, to build a better road and to see how GOD uses diverse ideas to bring peace and harmony.

GOD put structures in place to test the human will.  Not a pass fail test rather a refining test that enables me to get rid of an arrogant stubborn will who is always right, turning it into a gentle, compassionate will who needs GOD and the companion HE gave to me.

  • Are you strong willed in your marriage?
  • Will you stop trying to steer your mate and steer your heart towards GOD?
  • Have you asked GOD what HE wants you to submit to HIM?
  • Are you refusing to submit your will to HIM?
  • Can you be more than roommates and truly fulfill your marriage as GOD intended?

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