Friday, June 22, 2018

Fame News

Luke 4: 14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. 15 And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.


“This is my chance” I said to myself. I ran towards the crowd, climbed up steps from outside the bannister and smiled towards the camera. The news was at the house of someone being arrested and I kept trying to stick my head behind the newscaster. “Did you see me on TV?” I asked everyone I knew.

  • There were times when I wanted my moment of fame.
  • There were times when I wanted to be noticed.
  • There were times when I wanted everyone to know my name.

JESUS was now ready to face the world having been tempted in every way a human could. HE was led by the power of the SPIRIT to teach what the FATHER wanted for HIS children. HIS teaching was fresh and new unlike the church leaders of the day. HE taught the truth and became famous.

  • JESUS wants me to speak about HIM.
  • JESUS wants me to point at HIS fame, not mine.
  • JESUS wants me to bring people to HIM so they may glorify HIM.

All attention should go to JESUS. Even the HEAVENLY FATHER said “This is MY SON who I AM very pleased.” The entire bible is written about JESUS, yet somehow the church leaders tried to make it about humans and their lack of trying or giving.

GOD doesn’t want me to speak on the inadequacies of humanity, though there are many. HE wants me to speak on the gift that JESUS gave me freely, namely mercy and forgiveness for my sins. HE loves me dearly and wants me to teach that HE loves others too.

  • Are you seeking the spotlight?
  • Do you think you need to be famous in order to be heard?
  • Can you stop seeking fame and allow GOD to speak through you on JESUS’s behalf today?

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