Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Luke 4: 20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?”


“Where is he?” I said to myself with a touch of anxiousness. I was given the task of picking up a very wealthy man who was supposed to meet me in the lobby of the hotel, ready to go to the meeting. The only other person in the lobby was a guy in overalls.

After several minutes, another wealthy businessman came to the lobby and recognized me. “Let me introduce you” he said. He walked me over to the guy in the overalls. This was the person I was supposed to pick up.

  • There were times when I underestimated people based on looks.
  • There were times when I underestimated people based on their circumstances.
  • There were times when I underestimated people based on their finances, desires or overt sin.

People in the synagogue said “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” as if to say “How can HE claim to be the Messiah written by the prophet Isaiah?” Many people assumed that GOD’s SON would pop out of thin air and slay those who “they” hated. BUT GOD had other plans.

  • GOD wants me to know HE is not limited by my limited thinking.
  • GOD wants me to know HE is all knowing, all seeing, all powerful and is everywhere.
  • GOD wants me to know HE cares in spite of my misconceptions of HIM.

When GOD cursed the heavens and the earth, HE set in motion something that HE could not take back. Difficulty with relationships, painful birth and hard labor was HIS decree to all humans through Adam and Eve that still stands to this day.

HIS painful declaration was because HIS SON had to voluntarily die to fulfil an oath that only a sinless human could redeem mankind. JESUS was the sacrifice that I should not underestimate.

  • Do you underestimate GOD’s power in your life?
  • Do you think your sin is more powerful than GOD’s redemption?
  • Can you stop thinking you are in control of your life and allow GOD to fill you with enough faith to overflow grace towards all you encounter?

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