Monday, November 12, 2012

Punishment or compassion

Hebrews 13:Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.


“Traffic is moving slow today” I thought to myself. “Glad I’m on the train” I may have gloated in my mind. Suddenly I felt a hand reach in and grab the choker necklace I was wearing.  Within seconds my peaceful pondering had turned into roaring rage!  I mean I had just found that choker on the ground the week before and I never wore jewelry before.  “I hope they get put in jail and rot” I thought.

  • Sometimes I just want some people to suffer for the wrongs they have done to me or others.
  • Many times I wish I could have all the criminals locked up so I can live a peaceful existence.
  • There are times I look to GOD and say “zap them” because they did something wrong to me!

I don’t know where I got this mindset but I honestly thought I could live on Earth peacefully. Maybe if I avoided people who do wrong things I could just exist without trouble.  Somehow “they” kept finding me and I was fed up! Maybe “they” could be removed and “I” can have my peaceful life. BUT GOD sees “them” differently.

  • GOD sees the person who does something wrong as HIS child just like me.
  • GOD sees “their” sins and “my” sins and forgive “us” based on belief in HIS SON.
  • GOD sees my wicked heart and gives me grace and wants me to do the same.

“Love your enemy,” “remember prisoners” and “turn the other cheek” are some very difficult principles I’d rather not keep.  I mean don’t they show weakness?  GOD says an emphatic “NO, they show strength.”  It actually takes more courage and strength to love criminals and wrong doers than loving those who are easy to love.

GOD wants my character to be like HIS, loving those who have lost their way. Hopefully this love will bring them home.

  • Has someone wronged you?
  • Do you want revenge?
  • Can you let GOD have the revenge and you own the love for that person?
  • Won’t you gain strength today by allowing GOD to fill you with compassion rather than judgment?

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