Thursday, November 29, 2012

Spiritual personal trainer

1 Peter 1:In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.


“Are you going to the general graduation” a friend asked me. “You better believe it” I exclaimed! I wanted to sit and savor every moment because I was finished! My college experience was now complete and I didn’t have to face sleepless nights studying again.

I could now look back and see how painful it was to go through many situations and failures. Whatever went wrong actually helped prepare me for “the real world.”

  • When I am in pain I only want relief.
  • When I am in a circumstance I can’t see anything else but that circumstance.
  • When I am in a world of hurt I beg for liberation and want to give up!

Each trial I have faced seemed like it would never be over but looking back at them I can honestly say I needed them.  Struggles don’t feel good but, just like exercise, builds me up in ways I can’t express.

  • GOD knows how much pain I can handle and motivates me to hang in a little longer.
  • GOD knows how much suffering I can take and says to me keep going you’re almost there.
  • GOD knows how much anguish I can face so and HE uses difficult circumstances to develop spiritual muscles.

Faith is like a muscle, the more it’s used the stronger it gets. Trials, while uncomfortable and unwelcome, build my character, perseverance, endurance and patience. GOD has placed HIS HOLY SPIRIT in me to comfort me and lead me “through” trials, refining my faith so it shines as bright as purified gold.

  • Are you going through trials?
  • Is it difficult for you to keep going?
  • Can you stop looking at the trial for a moment and ask “what am I being prepared for?”
  • Won’t you begin seeking the new ministry GOD is giving you no matter how young or old you are?

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