Thursday, November 15, 2012

Here’s mud in your eye!

James 2: 12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.


Dangerously close is an understatement as to where my bumper was to the car in front of me. We were all traveling at a high rate of… well let’s just say we were really moving! Then “that” guy pulled up in the next lane. I recognized the shiftiness on his face and the movements of his car showing he wanted to “get in front of me!”

I wasn’t having it. I nudge my car closer and closer to the car in front of me and as he backed off I had a sense of victory. Later, in that same drive to work, my exit was approaching and I had to merge into another lane. Most would not let me in and now I created a traffic jam behind me. Someone was “gracious” enough to wave me on.

  • When I judge people I will be judged by the same measure no matter who I’m judging.
  • When I judge people I will be sentenced to their sentence.
  • When I judge people I will be embarrassed when I am being judged in front of everyone.

I have said this many times before… “We are all in the mud, throwing mud at each other, saying you have mud on you!” How disgraceful it is for me to act without mercy. No wonder my ministry is weak at times. I’m amazed that GOD would even listen to me at all.

  • GOD wants me to speak to “that” person as if that person were me.
  • GOD wants me to act like I am “that” person and then I name the sentence.
  • GOD wants me to be merciful to “that” person so HE will show mercy on me.

“But I’m saved” popped into my head, I’m supposed to judge people. Well, not quite. My meal should consist of a healthy ration of love and a heaping dose of mercy with a sprinkle of correction done in love. GOD knows my heart and HE knows “that” person’s heart and HE says choose grace and mercy to both and everything will be fine.

  • Are you judging someone?
  • Are you really trying hard to get you way?
  • Do you realize you may be trying to reduce GOD down to your judgment?
  • Can you let GOD show judgment on whom HE wants to show judgment and mercy to whom HE wants to show mercy?

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