Friday, August 30, 2013

Leaders keep leading!

Numbers 17:“Put the staffs in the Tent of Meeting. Place them in front of the ark where the tablets of the covenant are kept. That is where I meet with you. The staff that belongs to the man I choose will begin to grow new shoots. The people of Israel are never happy with what you do. I will put an end to what they are saying.”

So Moses spoke to the people of Israel. Their leaders gave him 12 wooden staffs. They gave one for the leader of each of Israel’s tribes. Aaron’s staff was among them. Moses put the staffs in front of the Lord in the tent where the tablets of the covenant were kept.

The next day Moses entered the tent. He looked at Aaron’s staff. It stood for the tribe of Levi. Moses saw that it had not only begun to grow new shoots. It had also produced buds and flowers and almonds.


Upon arrival I was met at the door with urgent news about whatever situation was going on at the time. When I got up to my desk there were a number of voicemails expressing dissatisfaction with the problem of the day. After a number of calls, messages and speeches I put the fires out.

Then someone walked in my office and complained about where their desk was located and how I had not addressed the situation. I stayed at work longer to put a move plan together. After their move the person complained about something else. I almost fired that person but kept my cool.

  • There are some who I will never please.
  • There are some who will always have a problem with me.
  • There are some who will complain at the drop of a hat rather than developing solutions.

All I have to say is “GOD sees my efforts.” At times it is difficult to lead a group of complainers because the freedom to develop solutions isn’t involved. As a leader I cannot fall prey to their complaints nor can I be a victim. GOD wants something different.

  • GOD wants me to follow HIS lead.
  • GOD wants me to let HIM clear my path.
  • GOD wants me to allow HIM to work out the situation.

GOD ALWAYS has the final word. HE said HE would “put an end” to Moses situation and HE always has done the same for me.

  • Are you facing a mountain of complaints?
  • Are you trying to lead a group of people who are not providing solutions?
  • Can you stop trying to please people and start pleasing GOD?
  • Won’t you ask the LORD for wisdom on how to lead through difficult times?

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