Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Think before complaining

Numbers 11:The people weren’t happy about the hard times they were having. The Lord heard what they were saying. It made him burn with anger. Then the Lord sent fire on them. It blazed out among the people. It burned up some of the outer edges of the camp.


“What is it” I jokingly sneered at the dorm food plopped on my plate! It looked funny, smelled funny and tasted not so funny but bad! I passed on that meal knowing another was on its way in a few hours. I complained about the food.

The next year I had my own apartment. I stepped into the kitchen waiting on someone to hand me my meal and there wasn’t anyone there. I looked in the refrigerator and there was no food there either. I begged to get into the dorm cafeteria and couldn’t. When I got out I had a ticket on my car and had no money to pay it!

  • I sometimes forget GOD doesn’t like complaints about HIS plan.
  • I sometimes forget GOD doesn’t like grumbles about HIS gifts to me.
  • I sometimes forget GOD doesn’t like protests about HIS creatures.

When times were difficult, I complained to GOD and guess what… things got worse! Wait a minute, you mean GOD doesn’t like it when I have a request? A request is different than a complaint.  When I grumble about my situation, no matter how bleak it is, I am saying “GOD you don’t know what you are doing and I DO.”

  • GOD cannot stand any form of pride from me especially when it’s wrapped in a complaint.
  • GOD does not like it when I have my life all figured out and pout when I am not getting my way.
  • GOD will not yield to my rants or complaints because HE is GOD.

Making GOD “GOD” means I have to accept when HE will say “No” or “No” or “NO!” I may have a plan in mind but without HIS blessing, nothing will come to fruition. If it is HIS will HE will bring me through difficult times and lead me beside still waters, if not the HE will provide the endurance and testimony to draw many to HIM.

GOD doesn’t want me to be phony and pretend to be “happy” but HE does want me to respect HIS choice and “joyfully” serve HIM and those HE chooses to send to me.

  • Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Why does GOD have you in this position?
  • Don’t you understand HE knows where you are and what’s best for you?
  • Can you turn this difficult time into a testimony instead of burying the opportunity in a complaint?

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