Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ask for Restoration

Psalm 80:Restore us, O God;
    make your face shine on us,
    that we may be saved.


“My ideas are better than his” I thought to myself smugly. I locked my desk and firmly grasped my planner (yes people used pen and paper once upon a time). As I polled the department, I could see that I was a shoe in for the next spot. My rival didn’t have a chance so I threw my feet on the boss’s desk, figuratively of course, and acted like I had the job. He gave the job to my rival and I had to “eat crow” for a long, long time.

  • It’s not easy to ask for forgiveness especially when I think “I am right.”
  • It’s not easy to ask for restoration especially when I have acted in an arrogant fashion.
  • It’s not easy to ask for mercy when I clearly do not deserve mercy.

Swallowing pride is a very difficult thing to do for me, but I find it necessary in order to move ahead. I think the reason it is so difficult to swallow pride is because it puts me in a very humble position. BUT GOD wants me to be in that position.

  • GOD says to me “Do not think more highly of yourself” so I can remain humble and even keel.
  • GOD says to me “Ask and you shall receive” so asking for restoration will be given to me in abundance.
  • GOD says to me “Acknowledge GOD” and “Believe in THE SON” and “Confess my wrongs” so I can see and respect HIS authority to say “yes” or “no” to my request for mercy.

I have heard people tell me to “Go to GOD and tell HIM what you want.” That sounds fine, but I believe HE wants me to humble myself and ask HIM for mercy that I should not expect. Mercy is not mercy if I can demand it. GOD wants me to ask for restoration without expecting it. HE is not punishing me rather opening my eyes to HIS wonderful plan.

HIS own Son asked “FATHER, if I don’t have to drink this cup (meaning being blamed for every human’s sin) then let it be so, but not MY will but YOURS.” The plan for JESUS was ultra-difficult, one that no father would want to see for their child. BUT GOD went ahead with the plan and what a victorious plan it was! My request for restoration may not happen in my way nor in my time, BUT GOD has a wonderful plan for me!

  • Are you demanding restoration?
  • Do you think you deserve to be restored?
  • Can you humble yourself and ask GOD for restoration and not expect it?
  • Will you follow GOD if HE does not restore you to the place you expect?

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