Friday, August 21, 2015

Experience Brings Trust

Psalm 125:Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
    which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
    so the Lord surrounds his people
    both now and forevermore.


Nervous and unlearned I took the entrance exam to high school. I fumbled through a prayer and heard nothing. Weeks later, the principal called several names over the loud speaker inviting us to his office. Immediately I knew I had got in! Traveling to school I lost some money due to a hole in my pocket and had no way to return home. I prayed and looked in the grass and found a crisp one dollar note that took care of the entire day’s trip.

  • Looking back on GOD’s delivery helps me have faith that HE will carry me through.
  • Looking back on GOD’s delivery helps me have hope that HE has not forgotten me.
  • Looking back on GOD’s delivery helps me gain trust in HIM that HE knows what HE is doing.

Situations that are out of my control are the most difficult to face. I mean no matter what level of planning or action I could ever conceive; it still boils down to me being a spectator rather than a competitor in life’s struggles. This lack of control points me to a better place.

  • GOD wants me to know HE loves me and has a wonderful plan for me.
  • GOD wants me to know that when I put my trust in HIM, HE will come through abundantly.
  • GOD wants me to know I can have confidence in HIM because HE surrounds me with HIS strength.

GOD is absolutely amazing! HE has brought me through so much I cannot name it all. HE has protected me from dangers, traps and snares. HE has delivered the right people at the right time and has always been there when I need HIM. My trust in HIM cannot be shaken for HE has shown me too much. I place my trust in GOD!

  • Are you nervous?
  • Have you lost your way and feel that life is out of control?
  • Can you put your trust in GOD?
  • Will you add confidence, hope and reliance on the all faithful, everlasting GOD?

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