Monday, July 18, 2011

Generosity is not conditional.

Luke 3: 11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”


As an executive I drove a company luxury car but when the position was cut from the company I found myself without a car. For the first time in years I had to think about survival rather than excess.

Without asking any questions my father in law gave me his van and told me to keep it as long as I needed to. Wow! “I wish I could do that” I thought to myself.

  • Generosity is not a condition of how much excess I have.
  • Generosity is not a condition of how well my investments are doing.
  • Generosity is not a condition of a tax write off.

It actually takes practice to be generous. I cannot wait for conditions to be perfect in order to start being generous. In fact most times it takes sacrifice to be generous because needs tend to pop up at absolutely the “wrong” time.

  • To be generous like GOD wants I have to give up worrying about me and think of others.
  • To be generous like GOD wants I have to want to please HIM instead of always seeking pleasure.
  • To be generous like GOD wants I have to remove my conditions of how someone looks, acts, smells, or how they treat me.

It is never going to be the right time to be generous BUT GOD has given me just the right amount or right thing to share with “that” person. GOD has been extremely generous with me so it won’t hurt for me to do the same. Since GOD owns everything HE wants me to be generous with HIS possessions.

  • Are you waiting for more money or stuff to be generous?
  • Are you angry because you don’t have more?
  • Will GOD ask you how much stuff did you acquire or will HE ask how much did you share?
  • Will you sacrifice just this once to help “that” person?

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