Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Being friendly

Leviticus 3:  “If your offering is a Peace-Offering and you present an animal from the herd, either male or female, it must be an animal without any defect.


Caller ID is the greatest invention for business. I could see my coworkers’ number appear numerous times but I was too busy to answer the call. When I would see him in the hallway, my empty promise to call him would be repeated again and again.  I was actually brushing this person off and the priority was lowered because others were important.

  • I’m not being friendly when it’s all about me.
  • I’m not being friendly when the other person is the only one reaching out.
  • I’m not being friendly when I make excuses for not being friendly.

Friends can hear the words “I apologize” and keep moving forward with the relationship, so I must take the first mending step. Friendships should not be built on what the other person does for me, rather who they are to me.

  • GOD wants me to present a Peace Offering to mend relationships for HIS purpose.
  • GOD wants me to seek forgiveness when I have done wrong.
  • GOD wants me to ask HIM to work on my heart rather than wanting HIM to work on “that” person’s heart. 

I have heard it before, in order to be friendly, I must learn how to be friends with people. I should learn what they need and meet them where they are. I should bring peace so they can see the great plan GOD has for us.

  • Are you at odds with someone?
  • Do you treat others different because of something they said or did?
  • Can you ask GOD to work on your heart?
  • Can you seek peach for the purpose of GOD growing “that’ person?

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