Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Love Finally Seen

Love Finally Seen

Revelation 22: The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. There shall be no more night, and they will not need lamps or sunlight, because the Lord God will be their light, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.




When I found a leader I liked, I tried to imitate that person. I would speak, walk and use ism’s I heard from the person. I found men and women who had some great styles that I could borrow from. It was flattery to my ears when I would hear “You are acting just like him or her.”


  • I wanted to imitate great people.
  • I wanted to put what I learned from him or her, into action.
  • I wanted to “be” just like those successful people.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the throne of GOD and of the LAMB which is JESUS. He also saw everyone who ever served people for JESUS sake. They had JESUS’ name written on their forehead.


My Observations:

  • I cannot see my forehead when looking at JESUS, BUT JESUS can see HIS love in me when HE looks at me.
  • One day I will not need artificial light, or even sunlight because I will be in the presence of JESUS who is the LIGHT.
  • Seeing JESUS face means I will be looking at pure love.


Human examples of love are desperately flawed. I mean, when one person acts in love another twists it into hate. One person’s protection is another person’s control. Soon, preferences prevail over pure love. BUT GOD has a remedy.


JESUS, being GOD, showed pure love by taking on the consequence of sin for you and me. HE became a human out of pure love. HE then allowed HIS own creation to murder HIM while not putting up a fight. HE was raised from the dead and was placed in authority of everything. I look forward to one day seeing HIS face.



  • Why does the writer keep mentioning light?
  • Have you ever observed abusive, manipulative or coercive behavior labeled as love?
  • Have you surrendered your life to CHRIST so you can experience pure love today?

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