Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Excited Witness

John 1: There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 


Watching a car speed down an alley, I saw someone throw something out of the window. The car was chased by a police car. “How cool!” I thought to myself as I envisioned being in one of the cop shows I watched regularly on TV. As I continued walking home, a police car pulled along side of me. “Did you see what happened?” they asked. “Yes!” I said excited. I was a witness. I wondered if I would be able to help them crack the case.

  • I remember wanting to help solve crime.
  • I remember wanting to help figure out problems.
  • I remember wanting to be a witness to something big.

John was a “man sent from GOD” as a witness to the LIGHT. John would provide to everyone he encountered, incredible information about the LIGHT that would save the world. He would do this with thorough excitement.

  • GOD wants me to be excited about HIM.
  • GOD wants me to be a witness to what HE is doing in my life.
  • GOD wants me to tell as many people about HIM as possible so HE can bring people back to HIM.

Being sent by GOD gives me a daily purpose. I mean the person who irritates me or is upsetting me may be GOD’s chosen to spread HIS gospel so maybe I should act differently towards “that” person. GOD wants me to tell people of HIS incredible power to heal, protect and save those who believe in the LIGHT. I am grateful for HIM choosing me to spread HIS message of grace.

  • Does your life have a purpose outside of school and work?
  • Have you gotten caught up in being excited about something other than GOD?
  • Will you get excited about GOD enough to tell people about the miracles HE does daily?

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