Thursday, December 21, 2023

Not Afraid of Anyone

Not Afraid of Anyone

1 Peter 3: 13 Who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, how happy you are! Do not be afraid of anyone, and do not worry. 15 But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor him as Lord. Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you,




Afraid of bullies, I planned my route to school. I could avoid specific people if I went down certain blocks. But as I grew up, I was more confident to tell one of them about CHRIST. “Would you send out a message of faith-based encouragement?” was the question posed to me later in life. “No” was the answer. In the back of my mind I wondered “What would the higher ups, who don’t believe in GOD, think?”


  • I was afraid to show my relationship with CHRIST because I wanted a title.
  • I was trying to keep powerful bullies, who eventually lost their positions, pleased so I could get ahead.
  • I was willing to hide my relationship with CHRIST to appease people who could care less about GOD.


Peter attempted to give encouragement to those “Chosen” believers who were scattered to many countries because of their belief in JESUS. They were ousted and sought after to be killed because of their belief. He tells all believers to “be ready.”


My Observations:

  • GOD wants me to not be ashamed of my relationship with JESUS.
  • Overcoming fear of relating to JESUS was a huge hurdle I needed to cross so I could be honest in what I do.
  • Being ready to explain hope should be top of mind each day.


Perception is a friend or a foe. I mean, trying to be one way in front of people to please them when I should be bold for JESUS causes me to live in an unfruitful way. But the problem is when I try to be bold for CHRIST, worldly people get mad and may even try to harm me.


GOD sees all situations and rewards me when I am bold for HIM. HE doesn’t put me in bad situations all the time. HE simply wants me to “do what is good” so people who do not believe in JESUS, will ask. “why do you have so much hope?” I gladly am ready with an answer.



  • Why does the writer urge the readers to “be ready?”
  • Has anyone approached you about hope?
  • Have you lost hope and are not showing the light and salt GOD has given you?
  • Will you ask GOD for that bold hope that brings people back to HIM so you can be used for HIS purpose today?

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