Friday, May 31, 2019

Boundless Freedom

John 3:Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.

‘How can someone be born when they are old?’ Nicodemus asked. ‘Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!’

Jesus answered, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, “You must be born again.” The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.’


Looking at the clock, I counted down the minutes. This was the last day of school and to top it off, I was graduating. So many thoughts raced into my mind as I contemplated what I would do with my “free” time. I was finally released from the oppression! Okay, well at least from school.

  • Many times I dreamt of freedom.
  • Many times I wished to be on my own.
  • Many times I could not wait to be on my own schedule, doing my own thing.

Nicodemus was confused by the words of JESUS when HE said “You must be born again.” JESUS talked about being born of the SPIRIT, then HE likened this birth to the boundaries of the wind. No start and no end, the wind blows wherever it pleases.

  • GOD wants me to be set free from human boundaries.
  • GOD wants me to be able to see beyond obstacles.
  • GOD wants me to be led by HIS SPIRIT instead of being driven by fear.

Being born again means I am a new creation. I am free from the boundaries I put on myself and from the chains other people try to throw on me. GOD becomes my leader and HE sends me wherever HE wants me to go, whenever HE chooses. Now the only constraint I have is GOD’s infinite power. I am glad to be free.

  • What chains of control are you putting on people?
  • Are you trying to measure your circumstance by what you can see?
  • Will you allow GOD to lead you by HIS SPIRIT today so you can be connected to HIS endless power?

Thursday, May 30, 2019


John 3: Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.’


“May I meet with you?” was my question. This person was polished in their speech, but not so polished that they could not be trusted. They were genuine and seemed to get along with everyone they met. Somehow this person could remember every person’s name and facts about each person. I wanted some of that.

  • There have been people I’ve met who I admire.
  • There have been people put in my path who seem to have it all together.
  • There have been people I had to admit were stronger than me, faster than me and better at things than me.

Nicodemus sought JESUS out in the cover of night. This leader of the church leaders had to admit that JESUS was something special. “No one could do what YOU are doing if they were not from GOD” he admitted.

  • JESUS wants me to seek HIM as someone special to pursue.
  • JESUS wants me to acknowledge HIM daily because HE has all power.
  • JESUS wants me to praise HIM everyday knowing HE is worthy of praise.

Acknowledging JESUS is extremely important. In fact, my acknowledgement that JESUS is GOD and that I deserve to be eternally separated from HIM, but HE chose to save me, gives me eternal life. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS is my savior and I confess all my sins to HIM so they will be forgiven.

  • Who do you admire?
  • Can you place more admiration in JESUS today?
  • Will you acknowledge GOD’s power over your circumstance right now?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Inside Knowledge

John 2: 23 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. 24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. 25 He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.


“I can’t do this” I exclaimed. “Yes you can” said another person. “I have seen you do other things more difficult than this” were the follow on words. I stopped and took a deep breath and put my face in the water. When I came up for air I said “I did it!” How did the person know I could hold my breath under water?

  • Sometimes people know me better than I know myself.
  • Sometimes people can see potential in me that I could not see.
  • Sometimes people have an idea of what I can do based on their observation and experiences.

JESUS performed many miracles and people believed in HIM. But HE did not get comfortable with their belief, because HE knew what was in each person’s heart. HE knew that with some, the excitement would disappear when the slightest problem would occur in their lives.

  • GOD knows my deepest fear and loves me anyway.
  • GOD knows my hidden sins that I lock away and HE desires a relationship with me anyway.
  • GOD knows my ugliest desires and is still excited to cleanse me of all unrighteousness.

JESUS is never surprised by my circumstance nor is HE stunned by my reaction. HE has taken all of my failures into account and still has the greatest plan for me that I could never have imagined. HE loves me in spite of me.

  • What are you hiding?
  • Do you think GOD will never forgive you?
  • Will you stop thinking GOD’s love is limited and allow HIM to execute HIS wonderful plan HE has for you today?

Monday, May 13, 2019

Windows to the Temple

John 2: 18 The Jews then responded to him, ‘What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?’

19 Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.’

20 They replied, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?’ 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.


“Let’s go to a horror movie” one friend suggested. “Absolutely!” I replied. It was going to be fun. The one before that one was scary and had girls in it. It was alright to go see these movies, right? I mean these movies were only about fictitious characters killing lots of people and just a little bit of sex. What harm could this do to me?

  • There were times when I would listen to things that may not have been good for me.
  • There were times when I would look at things that may not have been good for me.
  • There were times when I was entertained by violence and sensuality and it added nothing to my character.

JESUS responded to the church leader’s negative question about HIS authority to chase people out of their church for selling their stuff. HE then replied that HE would “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” JESUS knew something about HIS body that HE called it a temple.

  • GOD made my body a temple where HE would live.
  • GOD created my body so HE would put HIS laws in my heart.
  • GOD body to house HIS HOLY SPIRIT.

My brain to replays whatever is shown through the windows of my mind. Whatever I listen to, look at touch or smell is recorded in my mind, ready to be replayed at any moment.

JESUS knew that manmade temples were not really HIS house, but what they represent should be holy. HE also knew that my body should also show others HIM as much as I can. GOD wants me to put HIS love in my heart on a daily basis. I am glad HE gives me HIS creation to look at.

  • What are you putting in your temple?
  • If people could see in your mind, would you be ashamed of what they would see?
  • Will you open the windows of your mind to others so GOD can use your life to bring other people to HIM today?

Friday, May 10, 2019

Church as a business

John 2: 13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, ‘Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!’ 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.’


Arriving on time, I sat waiting to hear a sermon at a church I visited. I expected the usual announcements, a couple of songs and then a sermon. The screen displayed book after book to purchase. The announcements were laced with events that cost money to attend.

Finally someone approached the stage who seemed like they were going to preach. They proceeded to talk about the new CD that was being developed that would be available for purchase. “I wonder if I should be selling stuff to this church” I thought to myself with a tempted feeling.

  • There were times when I saw opportunities to make money from those who follow GOD.
  • There were times when I felt comfortable with selling as a guise to “raising money” in the church.
  • There were times when I looked at the numbers of those who attended a church and calculated how much money I could make if just a few people bought from me.

JESUS went into the temple courts and found people selling their wares. It probably seemed like a great business concept to sell sacrifices so that the church goer did not have to think about the difficulties of raising an animal. Low cost providers moved in with dishonorable sacrifices of doves to get money from the poor who couldn’t afford lawful sacrifices. All of this made JESUS furious!

  • GOD wants me to view church people as money to HIM.
  • GOD wants me to see church people as an opportunity to serve GOD as the final destination.
  • GOD wants me to gather together with people to worship HIM and HIM alone.

Gimmicks to raise money more than likely infuriate GOD. HE performed HIS entire ministry without asking for a penny, so did John. HE does understand taking care of those who sacrifice their life to provide a gathering for people to worship. Give them food and shelter and help them tell people about GOD. BUT GOD does not need gimmicks. I am cautious of being comfortable selling anything in or to the church.

  • Do you think GOD cannot survive without donations?
  • Do you really feel GOD will stop existing if a certain amount is not raised?
  • Will you put more trust in GOD by allowing HIM to move people around to spread HIS gospel without worrying about money today?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Participation Award

John 2: Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from eighty to a hundred and twenty litres.

Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’; so they filled them to the brim.

Then he told them, ‘Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.’

They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realise where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, ‘Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.’

11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

12 After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days.


Twirling around to make myself dizzy felt great. As I experienced this wonderful feeling, I heard my father ask me for a tool. “Hand me the screw driver” he said. I stopped my twirling, handed him the screwdriver and went back to the fun. When he finished what he was doing, my mother beckoned us to come to dinner. “What were you doing?’ she asked. “We built stuff” I answered.

  • Many times I have been part of a team even though my role may have been small.
  • Many times I have gotten credit for something the team did.
  • Many times I have been blessed with rewards of being on a team.

The servants were told, by JESUS, to fill the huge empty jars with water. HE also instructed them to serve the master of the banquet a sample. Knowing it was just water they had poured into the jars, they complied anyway. The master of the banquet was delighted when he tasted choice wine. This was JESUS’ first miracle and the servants participated in making it happen.

  • GOD wants me to go along with HIS plan even though it may seem strange.
  • GOD wants me to participate in HIS plan even though it may not make sense to me.
  • GOD wants me to receive rewards for things HE did because HE loves me.

JESUS performed HIS first miracle through servants of a wedding. HE never touched the water nor their containers, yet the best wine was produced. GOD seems to do all the work and allows those who serve HIM to participate in HIS wonderful power. HE deserves far more credit than I give HIM daily. HE forgives me, seeks me and loves me daily. I am forever grateful for GOD.

  • Do you feel exhausted trying to please GOD?
  • Can you step back and watch HIM do HIS mighty work?
  • Will you allow GOD to include you in HIS unstoppable plans today?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mother’s Day

John 2: On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’

‘Woman, why do you involve me?’ Jesus replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’

His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’


“Wash the walls” was the statement said to me by my mother. “Aw man!” I said to myself. I really did not feel like washing a wall. I mean I wasn’t the only one who put their grimy hands on the wall to take off shoes. And besides, wouldn’t it just get dirty again anyway?

JESUS’ mother saw a need at a wedding she had been invited to. She was still raising JESUS, knowing what happened during the miraculous birth. While others may have doubted the virgin birth, she knew what GOD did. She also knew she was raising someone special, who had talents that needed to be shared. She asked JESUS to use HIS power to help.

  • True mothers recognize talents of GOD.
  • True mothers pour GOD into their children.
  • True mothers believe in the power of GOD in any situation.

JESUS’ mother believed in HIS talent, but did not know how things would play out. She did not know if HE would ask HIS disciples to walk somewhere and get some wine or do something even more special. Her request was based on faith in what GOD had already done. True mothers praise GOD. I am grateful to have a true mother.

  • Are you a true mother to someone?
  • If you are not a mother, will you believe in the talent GOD gave “that” person so you can encourage them to do something special?
  • Will you praise GOD for true mothers today?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Optimistic Faith

John 1: 46 ‘Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Nathanael asked.
‘Come and see,’ said Philip.

47 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, ‘Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.’

48 ‘How do you know me?’ Nathanael asked.

Jesus answered, ‘I saw you while you were still under the fig-tree before Philip called you.’

49 Then Nathanael declared, ‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.’

50 Jesus said, ‘You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig-tree. You will see greater things than that.’ 51 He then added, ‘Very truly I tell you, you will see “heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on” the Son of Man.’


“The job is yours” said one of the higher–ups to me. First of all, I did not apply to the position and secondly, it seemed too good to be true. I was skeptical so I asked other people what was going on. “You were chosen for the position” they said. I cautiously went along with what they were saying until they made the announcement.

  • Many times I have been skeptical.
  • Many times I wanted to see proof in order to believe.
  • Many times I doubted some great news until I saw it for myself.

Nathaniel had a reputation for being honest. When he heard about JESUS, who was born in Nazareth, he questioned the validity of this person being the Messiah. It would seem that the savior of the world would come from a great city with wealth and power. JESUS told him otherwise.

  • GOD wants me to believe in HIS ways with optimistic faith.
  • GOD wants me to know HE can do anything because HE is the true power.
  • GOD wants me to understand that when HE gives me a promise, HE will never back down from it.

One day GOD will reveal to everyone the plan HE has for humans. This day to day life will be changed to an eternal way of living, with GOD or without HIM. Until that happens, GOD wants me to have optimistic faith that overflows onto others. HE wants me to mention JESUS as much as I can until HE returns. I am grateful GOD is faithful to me.

  • Do you believe in what GOD is doing for you?
  • Do you believe HE has an incredible plan for you?
  • Will you put away any skepticism and allow GOD to execute HIS plan for you without doubt today?

Monday, May 6, 2019

Lost and Found

John 1: 43 The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, ‘Follow me.’

44 Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. 45 Philip found Nathanael and told him, ‘We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’


“Have you seen my mitten?” I inquired to the teacher. “Have you tried the lost and found?” she replied. “What’s that?” I asked. “Go to the office and ask for what you lost” she directed. They showed me the lost and found room. It was a treasure of hats, gloves, shoes, combs and my mitten. “There it is!” I said with excitement.

  • It is exciting to find something that I lost.
  • It is a relief to find something I lost.
  • I can’t rest unless I find something that is lost.

JESUS found Philip and told him to become HIS follower. Philip’s immediate response was “Yes!” Now that Philip was found by JESUS, Philip went to find his brother, probably looking in his usual places. When he found Nathaniel he said “We have found the ONE Moses and the prophets wrote about!”

  • JESUS was looking for me when I found HIM.
  • JESUS was waiting for my return from being lost.
  • JESUS was searching for me, even when I wasn’t looking for HIM.

“You will fill your life with something” someone told me. I tried friends, sin and fun, but none of those quite filled the hole that was in my heart. When I found JESUS, who had been looking for me, my heart was finally filled. I was finally content. I am grateful GOD wants me as much as I need HIM.

  • Are you searching for something?
  • Are you looking for something to fill the void in your heart, but nothing is working?
  • Will you stop drowning out the voice of GOD that is calling you to serve HIM with all your heart today?

Friday, May 3, 2019


John 1: 40 Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. 41 The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (that is, the Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.
Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas’ (which, when translated, is Peter).


When I got some great news I could not wait to tell my friends. I went through the names in my head to make sure I did not miss anyone. Each message I told was met with excitement.

  • There are some names I want to share things with.
  • There are some names I think of when I want to tell people a certain message.
  • There are some names I desire to discuss GOD with.

Andrew was revealed as one of the two who left John as a disciple and followed JESUS. He immediately thought of the name of his brother, who was also seeking JESUS. When Andrew brought Simon to JESUS, a new name was given. JESUS renamed Simon to Cephas, meaning Peter. JESUS had the authority to name him.

  • GOD has a name for me that I am looking forward to learning.
  • GOD has a name for me that is written in HIS “Book of Life.”
  • GOD has a name for me that only HE knows and it is special.

Earthly names enable humans to know who I am as a label only. They really cannot tell if I love GOD or not. BUT GOD knows my name by how much HE loves me. HE gave me my name before the time HE created me. HE gives me the authority to use the name of JESUS as my connection to HIS power. I pray in JESUS’ name that all who read this will be blessed.

  • What is your purpose?
  • Who do you think of when you want to tell people about what GOD has done?
  • Will you leverage the name of JESUS to overcome situations today?

Thursday, May 2, 2019


John 1: 35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God!’

37 When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38 Turning round, Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’

They said, ‘Rabbi’ (which means ‘Teacher’), ‘where are you staying?’
39 ‘Come,’ he replied, ‘and you will see.’

So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon.


“Your team did a great job” someone said to me. It felt great to hear that a plan “I” put together worked well. When one of my star employee’s requested to move on to bigger and better things, I was faced with the possibility of my team not performing as great as it always had. I said, “yes” because it was the right thing to do.

  • There were times when I wanted to keep things the way they were.
  • There were times when I wanted to hold onto certain people no matter what it cost them.
  • There were times when I wanted to keep a successful team together even when people wanted to do something different.

John showed true leadership by pointing people to “The Lamb of GOD.” He knew his disciples should not be stuck following him rather they should put their eyes on GOD.

  • GOD wants me to develop a following for HIM, not me.
  • GOD wants me to point people to HIM without thinking “I” need to be followed.
  • GOD wants me to bring many disciples to HIM to increase HIS kingdom.

It’s all about the Lamb of GOD. Every action should not be done in the name of a brand of church, rather in the name of JESUS. HE wants me to build up HIS entourage so people will truly proclaim HIM as their savior. If people followed me and thanked me for my pitiful righteousness, they would be disappointed. JESUS is the one I want people to follow.

  • Are you focused only on your brand of church?
  • Do you think your brand of church has all the answers?
  • Will you focus your life on building up people to surpass you in following GOD rather than holding them down to look at you?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


John 1: 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is the one I meant when I said, “A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.” 31 I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.’

32 Then John gave this testimony: ‘I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. 33 And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me, “The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.” 34 I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.’


After spending hours in an airport, my hopes of getting home that night were waning. It seemed like everything was going wrong that day and rain did not make it any better. Suddenly I heard these words “The flight has arrived.” Everyone, including myself, was filled with joy.

  • Something as little as a flight arriving filled me with joy.
  • Something as trivial as getting home hours earlier made me delighted.
  • Something as small as a plane pulling up to a gate at an airport made my day much better.

John told everyone that the problem of sin was cured by JESUS. “The Messiah had arrived” John told everyone. John came to baptize, BUT JESUS cam to same with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

  • JESUS wants me to tell HIS story.
  • JESUS wants me to let people know that salvation has arrived and they can now be filled with joy.
  • JESUS wants me to express to others that HE is GOD’s Chosen ONE, who already has the victory over all my sin.

What a relief it is to have a few things go “my” way. It should be even more of a relief when eternity is paved for me. GOD enables me to live with HIM and wants me to tell others about this great news!

  • What little thing has brought you great joy?
  • Have you forgotten where joy comes from?
  • Will you reflect on what GOD has done and is doing in your life today?