Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Tale of Two Women

A Tale of Two Women

Revelation 14: A second angel followed the first one, saying, “She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She made all peoples drink her wine—the strong wine of her immoral lust!”




Being sheltered from sex made me want it more! Me and my friends talked about it, but soon the urge to actually do it bubbled over. Purity was thrown out the window as I joined in with “everyone else.”


  • Purity was considered an old concept by most people.
  • After having sex, I wanted more and more of it.
  • After a while, the line of morality moved further and further away and soon I did not question if something were “right” or “wrong.”


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw a second angel who had a message that GOD made immorality fall. This announcement was the second important thing to GOD that HE did not want people to overlook.


My Observations:

  • GOD made humans sexual beings.
  • GOD defined what holy sex looked like.
  • Humans redefined what sex should be and fell as if drunk.


Marital sex between a man and a woman seems like a taboo subject. I mean, it caused divisions, arguments and rage to those who want to do what they want to do. BUT GOD has provided a definition that seems harsh, but is not.


HE speaks from a protective perspective and always has our best interest in mind. When HE declares something as the right way, I should heed it. I am glad HE cares for us all to guide us through HIS standards.



  • What does the writer emphasize and how large was the problem?
  • Does it sound out of date to define sex “morally?”
  • Will you consider GOD as a solution versus HIM being a problem today?

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