Monday, August 26, 2024

Dead Right


Dead Right

Revelation 16: Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to burn people with its fiery heat. They were burned by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God, who has authority over these plagues. But they would not turn from their sins and praise his greatness.




“You may not want to do what you are about to do” was the warning I received. But I felt strongly that “I” could do the thing I was trying to do. I did the thing and was able to complete what I set out to do, but the consequences of what I did were not accounted for.


  • I was right, but ended up figuratively dead.
  • I was able, but did not take into consideration the consequences of my actions.
  • I did what I did and said what I said, but ended up in a worse situation than before the warning.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the fourth angel pour out the fourth bowl containing GOD’s anger out on the sun. People were burned and they knew this was a curse from GOD, yet they refused to turn from their sins. They may have figured that they would be in control by rebelling against GOD directly.


My Observations:

  • My heart needs to be protected from getting cold and stony against GOD.
  • Whatever is in my heart will come out in my words and actions.
  • GOD sees my heart and want to change it to follow HIM in a loving way.


I can do anything, but is anything I do good for me? I mean, if I rebel against GOD, is that a good idea? No! Unfortunately, there are times when I don’t want to listen to the warnings or even the corrections sent by GOD.


Fortunately for me, HE sends HIS soft correction to me and allows me to come back to HIM. HE always accepts my ask for forgiveness and restores me fully. Anyone who refuses to ask GOD for forgiveness may experience the pain of HIS wrath.



  • Why did the writer include who had the authority?
  • Have you ever done something wrong and deserved to be corrected?
  • Will you seek GOD’s correction in your life so HE can forgive you and set the wonderful plan HE has for you into action today?

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