Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Plans After the Problem

Plans After the Problem

Revelation 14: 13 Then I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Happy are those who from now on die in the service of the Lord!”


“Yes indeed!” answers the Spirit. “They will enjoy rest from their hard work, because the results of their service go with them.”




Not knowing I could goof off, I kept working. I dumped ashtrays, wiped up spilled drinks, sprayed and arranged the bowling shoes and put away the bowling balls. I looked around and realized I was doing all the work and the other floor porters were outside, enjoying themselves.


  • I wondered why I was working so hard when “everyone else” was having fun.
  • I thought about not doing my job because “everyone else” was not doing theirs.
  • I kept doing my job and was met with uncomfortable conversations like “You are making us look bad”, so I felt bad.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard a supernatural conversation. One voice told him to write down a blessing that was aimed at those who would die in service of the LORD. This statement would apply to those who were persecuted during the tribulation of GOD. The response to the statement to “Write this” was “Yes indeed!” by the HOLY SPIRIT.


My Observations:

  • Enjoyment was the plan after their death
  • GOD sees hard work that is done in service of the LORD.
  • Results of service of the LORD will be in the form of people who were the benefactors of the service.


Service of the LORD can seem lonely at times. I mean, if GOD sends you to a place that does not value HIM or any servant HE sends, it can seem lonely being the sent servant. BUT GOD sees every ounce of service done “of the LORD.”


In spite of how things may seem, “keep going” says GOD. HE has plans for this life and afterwards. Death has no power over those who reverence the LORD. Every word spoken for HIM and about HIM is accounted for. Every deed done in service of HIM will be blessed.



  • What is the mood of the conversation the writer records?
  • Have you ever felt like giving up on the LORD?
  • Will you persevere and remain faithful to the LORD even when it gets difficult or it may “seem” like you are the only one serving in an area?

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