Friday, August 2, 2024

Destiny Fulfilled

Destiny Fulfilled

Revelation 13: “Listen, then, if you have ears! 10 Whoever is meant to be captured will surely be captured; whoever is meant to be killed by the sword will surely be killed by the sword. This calls for endurance and faith on the part of God's people.”




Working the cushy job was nice, but not enough after a while. There was a problem with the imbalanced population at the officer level that was noticeable. “Someone should speak up!” people whispered, but were afraid of losing their cushy jobs. I got with another person and we met with the higher ups, appealing the benefits of “balance.”  After a while, I was let go.


  • I was willing to peacefully fight for a cause.
  • I wanted what was right and was willing to give up the mundane for something better.
  • Demise was no longer feared because the cause was more important.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, hears a pep talk for those remaining during the tribulation. Satan was loose and this meant difficult times for believers in JESUS. Instead of bowing down to Satan, people may gain the courage to continue in their open belief in JESUS, even unto demise.


My Observations:

  • Human causes may make me fight someone, BUT GOD’s cause is one that brings eternal life.
  • Believing in JESUS sounds easy, but it will make the world angry because it sometimes means surrendering pleasure for pain.
  • Endurance and faith are needed because the world will brag about fame, power and wealth, meanwhile despising those who are willing to give it all up to live for CHRIST.


Destiny for the believer may require endurance and faith. I mean, in the days of relative truth, manipulation and word twisting, it is difficult to present GOD’s love which is JESUS. The HOLY SPIRIT guides believers away from the sin we desire over GOD. Who would want that? GOD does.


HE knows sin causes us to be blind, even to the point where we can no longer see or “hear” GOD. That’s why HE says “Listen, then, if you have ears!” GOD always, always has a better plan that plays out in this life and the next. Endurance and faith are needed!



  • Is the message from the writer harsh?
  • Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the original benefit was no longer good enough?
  • Will you turn from human causes to understand GOD’s main cause, which is to save all humans by belief in JESUS today?

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