Tuesday, August 6, 2024

First of Many

First of Many

Revelation 14: Then I looked, and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion; with him were 144,000 people who have his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven that sounded like a roaring waterfall, like a loud peal of thunder. It sounded like the music made by musicians playing their harps. The 144,000 people stood before the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders; they were singing a new song, which only they could learn. Of the whole human race they are the only ones who have been redeemed. They are the men who have kept themselves pure by not having sexual relations with women; they are virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been redeemed from the rest of the human race and are the first ones to be offered to God and to the Lamb. They have never been known to tell lies; they are faultless.




Standing on the playground, I waited to be picked. I expected to be picked last because the jocks would win and I was not very coordinated. To my surprise, I was picked early. I had the best game of my kickball career! I not only kicked the ball and got on base, but I caught one during the game!


  • I was one of the first chosen.
  • There was nothing special about me, but I was chosen.
  • Out of the whole playground, I was chosen early, but many followed.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw JESUS somewhere else, standing on Mount Zion. He also saw those who had received a special seal when the sixth seal was opened. They were not the only ones saved, rather the first in a point in time, who kept themselves pure and followed CHRIST without following the world.


My Observations:

  • The special woman gave birth to a special child through a chosen people.
  • The chosen people are called the bride of JESUS.
  • Being the first of many required 12,000 from each tribe, chosen by GOD.


Numbers and gender can trip people up after reading this passage. I mean, only 144,000 men being redeemed, can seem like everyone else in the world is useless. BUT GOD is revealing something different.


HE is the one who gave the words to a writer “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Our cursed mind and eyes can question GOD’s sequence of events, missing out on the purity and not lying. I am glad JESUS redeemed all who believe in HIM.



  • How does the writer try to show how the group was “with” JESUS?
  • Does any part of this passage trip you up?
  • Will you look at GOD’s salvation of all humans differently and seek a great relationship with HIM today by believing in JESUS as the Savior?

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