Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Anger Soup

Anger Soup

Revelation 15: After this I saw the temple in heaven open, with the Sacred Tent in it. The seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, dressed in clean shining linen and with gold bands tied around their chests. Then one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven gold bowls full of the anger of God, who lives forever and ever. The temple was filled with smoke from the glory and power of God, and no one could go into the temple until the seven plagues brought by the seven angels had come to an end.




Testing the limits of what I could do, I performed my new found freedom in secret. I did a few things I was not supposed to do, and “got away with it.” But one day the thing I was doing was discovered and I had to face the full anger which I feared.


  • I thought I was getting away with being “free.”
  • I thought I would not have to face consequence if no one knew what I was doing.
  • I thought I could escape anger.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the temple in heaven open with the Sacred Tent in it. He saw seven angels with seven bowls of GOD’s anger ready to be poured out on the earth. This was the end of the patience of GOD, the earth had enjoyed since the beginning of humanity.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s anger will one day be in full force.
  • GOD has seen every wrong doing you and I have ever done.
  • GOD’s anger can be escaped through saving belief in JESUS.


Our current actions dictate which bowls we belong to. One set of twenty eight bowls in heaven contains the prayers of those who believe in JESUS as the Savior. But there is another set of seven bowls that are GOD’s full anger towards those who cause harm to those who believe in JESUS.


GOD’s anger is nothing to play with. HIS fury is dedicated to those who refuse the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT to believe in JESUS as the Savior. Blame, rage, wars and hatred spew from those who have not surrendered their lives . GOD records every though, every action against HIS kingdom. I am glad HE made a way to avoid HIS anger.



  • What does the writer say about GOD’s anger?
  • Have you ever been angry at someone?
  • Will you seek GOD’s grace by asking HIM for forgiveness today through HIS SON, JESUS?

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