Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Remember the Details

Acts 21: 17 When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters received us warmly. 18 The next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. 19 Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.


After the vacation, I had lots to tell. I described the food, the service and entertainment in picture perfect detail. One description made me remember another fond memory and another. It was a great experience that I gladly shared with anyone who would listen.

There were times when I had plenty to say about something I enjoyed.
There were times when I remembered every detail of the experience.
There were times when I told strangers about the details so they could experience the same.

Paul was now in Jerusalem. After being met by a warm greeting, he told the details of what GOD had done on HIS travels. He must have mentioned the healing of many people and how GOD made a way for him to escape death over and over. He paved a way for other races to hear about JESUS.

GOD wants me to live my life for HIS purpose.
GOD wants me to make memories by serving many people.
GOD wants me to share my memories of how HE has worked in my life.

Sharing details of what GOD has done and is doing is highly important to HIM. I mean, HE wants people to be encouraged that they can get out of their trouble and be rewarded just by giving someone a drink of water in JESUS name. My experiences grow me up and sometimes help others do the same. I am glad the HOLY SPIRIT helps me remember the details.

What has GOD done in your life?
Do you remember an important story you need to share?
Will you write down the details or tell them to someone so they can be encouraged by what GOD is doing in your life today?

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