Thursday, February 22, 2024

Difficult Things Explained

Difficult Things Explained

2 Peter 3: 14 And so, my friends, as you wait for that Day, do your best to be pure and faultless in God's sight and to be at peace with him. 15 Look on our Lord's patience as the opportunity he is giving you to be saved, just as our dear friend Paul wrote to you, using the wisdom that God gave him. 16 This is what he says in all his letters when he writes on the subject. There are some difficult things in his letters which ignorant and unstable people explain falsely, as they do with other passages of the Scriptures. So they bring on their own destruction.




Sitting in class I was absolutely perplexed. We hit a point where the professor was explaining, at light speed, the derivation of the heat equation. Many symbols were written that I did not understand. I went to his teachers aid to translate.


  • I had missed some foundational information that I needed to help me understand this difficult thing.
  • I needed help just understanding the basics, let alone the more difficult things.
  • There was no way I could explain this difficult thing without some help.


Peter continued his explanation of the Day of the LORD. He knew it was a difficult topic to discuss, so he refers to Paul, who wrote many letters on the subject. He then gave a warning that some people who may not have grasped foundational truths, were trying to explain difficult things without “revealed” knowledge.


My Observations:

  • Scripture was “GOD-breathed” and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
  • GOD chose to reveal  truths that, to this day, confound the wisest people.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT is willing to guide anyone who seeks understanding of GOD.


Talking about the imminent destruction of the world is difficult. I mean, during the last days, there will be groups of people who truly believe humans have the power to stop something GOD said HE would do. Trying to explain that JESUS will return some day to those who do not believe HE would destroy HIS own creation is hard, if not impossible. BUT GOD made a way.


JESUS sent the HOLY SPIRIT to those who seek HIM. The HOLY SPIRIT works at the pace of the reader, helping explain difficult things so the reader will be comforted. Patience is highlighted versus focusing in on the Day JESUS will return. I am glad GOD gave me a chance to accept HIS SON as my Savior.



  • What difficult thing is the writer pointing out?
  • Have you ever run into something difficult that needed explaining?
  • Will you ask GOD to reveal the difficult things so HE will strengthen you faith in HIM today?

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