Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cannot Be Contained

Cannot Be Contained

Revelation 1: I am John, your brother, and as a follower of Jesus I am your partner in patiently enduring the suffering that comes to those who belong to his Kingdom. I was put on the island of Patmos because I had proclaimed God's word and the truth that Jesus revealed. 10 On the Lord's day the Spirit took control of me, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, speaking behind me. 11 It said, “Write down what you see, and send the book to the churches in these seven cities: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”




After putting on a refrigerator water filter, I went to work. When I returned home ten hours later, I heard a splash sound in a place that should not have that noise. I went into the basement and there was water everywhere!  The filter connection was faulty and sometime during the day, sprung a leak.


  • I thought I had contained the water.
  • When the water found a way out, it went into every opening it could find.
  • There was so much water that no container I had would hold it.


John, the disciple who JESUS loved, was exiled to the island o Patmos for preaching about JESUS. This would be the equivalent to going to prison in today’s terms. The HOLY SPIRIT spoke loudly to get John’s attention. HE had John write down a vital revelation of JESUS that would be addressed to seven churches. Even in exile, John was still being used by GOD.


My Observations:

  • When I think I am stuck GOD can use me.
  • When I feel helpless and hopeless, GOD is still there.
  • When I am tossed into exile by the powers that be, GOD can take my words and spread them everywhere.


GOD cannot be contained. I mean, for centuries, the message of GOD’s love has been attempted to be silenced, but it has grown exponentially. The world may speak about believers of JESUS in a negative way, BUT GOD knows HIS servants and gives you and me a purpose.


Even when the world tries to steal JESUS by making HIM into their image, GOD sees the theft and spreads HIS true love anyway. GOD is the truth. JESUS is the Way the Truth and the Life. I am glad HIS Word cannot be contained!



  • Who is the writer partnering with?
  • Have you ever felt stuck or isolated?
  • Will you preach GOD’s message of love about JESUS anyway, knowing GOD’s message cannot be stopped or contained by humans?

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