Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Show Mercy

Show Mercy

Jude 1: 22 Show mercy toward those who have doubts; 23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; and to others show mercy mixed with fear, but hate their very clothes, stained by their sinful lusts.




After passing the car that was going at a high speed, I felt satisfied. I “won” the competition that the other driver never knew he or she was competing. I eased back from my high speed but still went along at a nice clip. Miles later, I saw a car following me. Police lights went flashing behind. “You were speeding and I should write you a ticket” but I am going to let you off this time” were the shocking words of mercy.


  • I was clearly in the wrong.
  • I deserved to get a judgment against me.
  • I received mercy because I was told what I did was wrong and I was let go.


Jude gives his final instruction to believers. He tells everyone to “Show mercy.” He also knew how difficult this would be. To state the problem and to state the grace that is being shown is hard to do when the situation is highly emotional. Jude mentions the stakes by saying the believer would be “snatching them out of the fire.”


My Observations:

  • GOD showed mercy to me by letting me know I am a sinner saved y HIS grace.
  • GOD could have held everything against me, but instead HE saved me in spite of me.
  • GOD does not like the sins I do, so HE looks inside my heart and cleans it with HIS compassion.


Showing mercy takes courage. I mean, the first part of mercy is to let him or her know the problem, then the grace. Mercy can be extended without expectation that he or she will accept it or change in front of your eyes. GOD has a plan.


HE sees the problem and guides people who need mercy to places that are broken. HE then opens their eyes to the brokenness and helps him or her ask for mercy versus demanding it. Jude’s advice is to be wise and be ready to show mercy when the moment is right. I am glad GOD shows mercy to you and me.



  • Who does the writer recommend to show mercy to?
  • Have you ever been the benefactor of mercy?
  • Will you ask GOD for the right “graceful” words to carefully explain the problem and to extend mercy for the sake of growing GOD’s kingdom today?

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