Friday, May 10, 2024

Raise A Praise

Raise A Praise

Jude 1: 24 To him who is able to keep you from falling and to bring you faultless and joyful before his glorious presence— 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority, from all ages past, and now, and forever and ever! Amen.




Being asked to be the best man in a wedding was an honor that came with expectations. One of which was to develop a toast to the bride and groom. It was a monumental day, so the toast had to have meaning, but mostly it needed to come from the heart.


  • I said something about overcoming obstacles in the past.
  • I also said something about the work it takes in the present.
  • I wished them a wonderful future.


Jude finishes his letter upbeat. His note came with a lot of warnings about people who were deceivers pretending to be followers of CHRIST. These heave words may have needed some words of hope. Jude concluded his letter with a praise to GOD.


My Observations:

  • When things look bleak, raise a praise to GOD.
  • When difficulties arise, raise a praise to GOD.
  • When you cannot see how this situation or that situation will end on a positive note, raise a praise to GOD.


Praising GOD is a weapon versus a feeling. I mean, the Enemy wants to take away my praise to GOD by placing temptation, evil plans against me and pain in my path, so I will close my lips from praising GOD. Little does he know that when I praise GOD in the middle of the storm, HE does remarkable things that causes the Devil to flee.


GOD sometimes takes the storm away or provides what I need during the storm so I can survive. HE hear my cry but loves when I sing a praise to HIM even before HE performs HIS miracle. I praise YOU LORD for all you have done, doing and will do in my life!



  • Do you feel the writer is thorough in this praise?
  • Are you going through a difficult time?
  • Will you use the weapon of praising GOD today without expectations so HIS wonderful plan will be made known to you in HIS time?

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