Thursday, May 2, 2024

Instinct Error

Instinct Error

Jude 1: 10 But these people attack with insults anything they do not understand; and those things that they know by instinct, like wild animals, are the very things that destroy them. 11 How terrible for them! They have followed the way that Cain took. For the sake of money they have given themselves over to the error that Balaam committed. They have rebelled as Korah rebelled, and like him they are destroyed.




“That’s stupid!” I said when I heard of an action someone was taking. It did not make sense to me how someone could do or say what he or she did or said. I then told several people how “stupid” I felt the action was.


  • I used insulting language because “I” felt I had a right to criticize.
  • I looked down on the person because I did not understand his or her actions.
  • I used my instinct to surmise their actions were “stupid” and my insults were not.


Jude continues to discuss the dangers of insulting the spiritual realm. He gave specific examples of people who used their instincts to murder, lie for money or to be rebellious. They were met with destruction.


My Observations:

  • My instinct starts off sinfully so I need to give my plans to GOD for cleansing.
  • My first thought is to sin, then ask for forgiveness, BUT GOD would rather that I consider asking HIM if I should do or say something before I take action.
  • Understanding that I have a sin nature makes me aware that I am capable of committing sin at a moment’s notice, therefore, I need GOD to guide me.


Instincts can be very dangerous. I mean, when I see things with my human eyes, I take the fear, lusts and desire for affirmation that is inside me and twist what I see into something I can attack. I then use the same tactics as Satan by insulting versus giving him or her over to GOD.


JESUS took on many insults and was ridiculed for HIS actions. “Why would GOD become human and die?” scoff those who lust for power. BUT HE did not see that power was important enough to have you and me die because of sin. I do not understand what JESUS did, but instead of insulting HIM, I am grateful for HIS love for you and me.



  • What “error” does the writer mention?
  • Have you ever considered that your instincts could be wrong at least part of the time?
  • Will you consider taming your words and actions by asking GOD, “Is this pleasing to YOU?” so HE can guide you with better words or actions today?

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