Thursday, September 5, 2024

Street Justice

Street Justice

Revelation 17: 15 The angel also said to me, “The waters you saw, on which the prostitute sits, are nations, peoples, races, and languages. 16 The ten horns you saw and the beast will hate the prostitute; they will take away everything she has and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and destroy her with fire. 17 For God has placed in their hearts the will to carry out his purpose by acting together and giving to the beast their power to rule until God's words come true.


18 “The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”




After being robbed, I was shaken. I feared sitting in certain seats on the bus, or even going down certain streets. Someone said to me, “Don’t worry, those people who did you harm will face street justice.” In other words, someone will rob the robber.


  • I saw “street justice” happen to thugs in my neighborhood.
  • I heard about “street justice” happening to gang members.
  • I witnessed thugs beating up the thugs who once bullied me.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, got another statement from the angel who took him into the desert. The angel explained that the great city that caused humans to sin, would face “street justice’ from the beast and from those who may be leaders of countries. Their jealousy of the power would cause them to desire to take down part of Satan’s kingdom.


My Observations:

  • GOD will allow evil people to take down evil people.
  • GOD wants my heart to remain focused on HIM and not return evil for evil.
  • GOD does not want me to celebrate the demise of anyone, because it could happen to me.


“Turnabout is fair play” is a term that means, it is alright to do evil to someone who has done evil to me. But this causes a problem to the believe. I mean, the world may look away at my “street justice” BUT GOD will not look away. All my sins come with consequence. BUT GOD gives me a better way.


Instead of committing sin, GOD wants me to give my enemies over to HIM. “Vengeance is mine says the LORD, I will repay.” HE is sovereign and just to carry out what HE said HE would. HE sees the victim and the foe. HE knows who is the oppressor and listens to those who cry out to HIM. I give my enemies to GOD.



  • Why does the angel remind the writer that the woman was the great city?
  • Have you ever been wronged and wanted to do something wrong to “that” person?
  • Will you give “that” person over to GOD so your conscience will be clean today?

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