Super Powers
Revelation 17: 9 “This calls for wisdom and understanding.
The seven heads are seven hills, on which the woman sits. They are also seven
kings: 10 five of them have fallen, one still
rules, and the other one has not yet come; when he comes, he must rule only a
little while. 11 And the beast that was once alive,
but lives no longer, is itself an eighth king who is one of the seven and is
going off to be destroyed.
12 “The ten horns you saw are ten
kings who have not yet begun to rule, but who will be given authority to rule
as kings for one hour with the beast. 13 These ten
all have the same purpose, and they give their power and authority to the
beast. 14 They will fight against the Lamb; but the
Lamb, together with his called, chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat
them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings.”
Wanting to be a superhero, I
grabbed a bath towel and tied it around my neck. The other kids did the same.
We held our arms out in front of us and now, we were flying! We jumped,
skipped, ran and made ray gun noises that had to be explained. “I just shot you
with my ray powers!”
- We wanted to be superheroes.
- Even though there were a lot of us, our army was not strong.
- When each household said it was time to come in, we had to lay down our pretense and go inside.
John, the disciple JESUS loved,
was given the meaning of the seven heads and ten horns of the beast. During
this time, people will think they are in power and will gather together to form
a futile fight against JESUS.
My Observations:
- I have no power, BUT JESUS, who has all authority, is my strength.
- I have no authority, BUT JESUS, who has been place above everything, shares HIS authority with me.
- I have no way to change situations, BUT JESUS, hears my cry and understands everything I can and will go through, and HE empathizes with me to provide the HOLY SPIRIT to guide me.
There is no power greater than
JESUS. I mean, I cannot go anywhere the get away from HIS power, nor can I usurp
HIS authority. Not height, depth or breadth can keep me away from HIS love. HE
is worthy of all honor, praise and glory.
Humans rise to power temporarily, but
if they do not bow to JESUS their efforts are futile. Their attempts to enslave
or to take over the world will be met with the power and authority of JESUS who
is LORD of lords and KING of kings! I place my faith in HIM.
- How did the angel get the writer’s attention?
- Have you ever wanted to be in power?
- Will you surrender your power to JESUS so HE will guide you through the HOLY SPIRIT to a place of victory today?
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