Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Filled Up

Luke 13: 20 And again He said, “To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? 21 It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.”


In a hurry, I placed the gas container in the back seat of my car. Unfortunately the rubber gasket was missing which left the top loose and a little spilled out as I turned the corner sharply. Those few drops made the entire car smell.

  • Sometimes a little can be a lot.
  • Sometimes it only takes a little of something to take over everything.
  • Sometimes just a tiny amount matters.

JESUS says a rather confusing analogy about the kingdom of GOD. HE compares it to leaven or yeast, that a woman baking bread, places in the mixture. Only three measures were used to permeate the entire batch. What does HIS analogy have to do with me and my problems?

  • GOD says to me “The kingdom of heaven grows because of ME.”
  • GOD says to me “Once MY presence enters you, I will fill you up.”
  • GOD says to me “I AM the great I AM who is made of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, three in one.”

Such few words describe so much. GOD’s kingdom is growing exponentially in spite of any force trying to stop it. HIS kingdom cannot be yielded in any way. HIS presence inside of me saves me eternally. That cannot be changed. When I ask for more of HIS kingdom, HE give it to me generously.

  • Are you seeking the world’s kingdom or GOD’s kingdom?
  • What is permeating your thoughts and actions?
  • Are you bearing fruit for GOD or does your mind get torn apart with the today’s problems?
  • Can you allow a little of GOD to permeate your entire life by letting go of your worries today?

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