Friday, June 28, 2024

Beyond Bitterness


Beyond Bitterness

Revelation 8: 10 Then the third angel blew his trumpet. A large star, burning like a torch, dropped from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 (The name of the star is “Bitterness.”) A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water, because it had turned bitter.




After the hike, I was thirsty. We got back to the campsite and there was a water pump. We gathered around it in delight! I cupped my hands under the pump as someone raised and lowered the handle. I got excited hearing the pump rumble, but when the water came out, it was brown and rusty!


  • Initially the water was rusty.
  • We could not drink the water until the pump lines were cleared.
  • We had to boil the water to make it drinkable.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the third angel blow the trumpet. Then a star hit earth, contaminating a third of fresh water sources. This was the third of seven steps to continue to take down Satan’s kingdom.


My Observations:

  • GOD will make the earth an uncomfortable place to live.
  • Satan tempted JESUS with the things of this world, BUT GOD will tear down what he could offer.
  • Believers in JESUS will not have to thirst, because GOD will supply living water.


Bitterness is a problem. I mean, when GOD uses bitterness to destroy something, it must be bad. I can have bitterness in my heart that isn’t good. I can see the injustice of a people group or remember what someone did or did not do to me or for me and react in a bitter way. Bitter is a sharp, pungent, taste or smell.  GOD has a remedy for bitterness.


JESUS died for my sins, even the bitter ones. HIS grace is sufficient to cover my sin of bitterness. HE is willing to reshape my heart instead of allowing it to be hardened towards any one person. HE can change any heart, and it starts with mine.



  • Are you surprised by what the writer saw?
  • Have you ever tasted bitter water?
  • Will you seek to understand GOD’s plan so you can remove any bitterness from your heart towards “that” person so you can allow GOD into your heart today?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fish and Ships

Fish and Ships

Revelation 8: Then the second angel blew his trumpet. Something that looked like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea was turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.




Fishing at a stocked lake was enjoyable. We caught several fish that were noteworthy. We went to other lakes that had fish at one point, but upon returning, the lakes seemed dead. “What happened to all the fish?” I pondered.


  • I enjoyed fishing.
  • I have seen lakes with fish jumping out of the water.
  • I never wondered what it would be like if there were no fish.



John, the disciple JESUS loved, hears the second of seven trumpets blown. This second step of taking down Satan’s kingdom, was focused on the sea. A third of the fish and ships were killed and destroyed, more than likely to affect tourism, commercial fishing and goods and services trading.


My Observations:

  • GOD doesn’t seem to be afraid of destroying the earth HE created, because HE is powerful enough to protect humans.
  • Once GOD cursed something, there is no power to turn it back into being blessed.
  • GOD’s people who believe in JESUS as the Savior will not have to experience a second death.


Destruction is usually an attribute we do not like to give to GOD, but is necessary. I mean, HE tells us what is coming and how HE will do it. We have to believe HE is going to do what HE says HE will do.


GOD warns us so we can have plenty of time to get in alignment with HIM. HE laid out HIS plan as clear as possible, showing us HE will take down Satan’s kingdom and bring HIS kingdom into full glory. This is not a time to be scared, but it is not a time to rejoice either, for GOD does not wish anyone to perish. This is a time to prepare.



  • How do you think the writer felt about writing this?
  • Have you ever asked GOD to show HIS plan to you?
  • Since HE has shown HIS plan, do you agree with HIS methods or does it raise more questions?
  • Will you seek a different set of questions and allow HIS plan for your life to be shown to you without trying to steer GOD into getting your way but HIS?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Nature’s Closing

Nature’s Closing

Revelation 8:Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.

The first angel blew his trumpet. Hail and fire, mixed with blood, came pouring down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass.




Going to a department store that a famous building was named after seemed like a fun trip. People were everywhere and the smell of popcorn whiffed from one area of the store. This store seemed invincible because they had “everything.” But one day, after a century of business, they announced the store closing.


  • I went into a store and there was not much left.
  • I saw that a third of everything was gone and the place looked empty.
  • Every sale was final and there would be no more replenishment.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the first angel blow the trumpet. This was the first sound after the silence brought on by the opening of the seventh seal. This marked the beginning of seven more steps in tearing down Satan’s kingdom. A third of all earth’s resources were burned up.


My Observations:

  • Salvation is quite merciful and should be transformative.
  • GOD said what HE would do, so my life should change to reflect my belief in HIS warning.
  • GOD’s people do not have to worry about HIS wrath because JESUS saved us.


Trying to change GOD’s mind about tearing down Satan’s kingdom is futile. I mean, JESUS gave HIS all to have a relationship with us and HE told us what HE is going to do. Unfortunately, many people do not want to hear that GOD will take care of Satan in a powerful, unprecedented way.


Salvation is more than avoiding wrath. GOD has incredible love. Those who believe in JESUS will be spared from this wrath, BUT HE wants more than fear. HE wants a relationship with HIS creation and it take transformation of our mindset to “belong” to HIM.



  • Are the writer’s words scary?
  • Have you ever seen something plentiful, then saw it not as plentiful?
  • Will you turn fear into dedication by being transformed to serve GOD the way HE desires today?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Odor Removed

Odor Removed

Revelation 8: Another angel, who had a gold incense container, came and stood at the altar. He was given a lot of incense to add to the prayers of all God's people and to offer it on the gold altar that stands before the throne. The smoke of the burning incense went up with the prayers of God's people from the hands of the angel standing before God. Then the angel took the incense container, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth. There were rumblings and peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.




Enraged at a neighbor, a sibling and I went close to the kid’s house. He wore a brace to straighten his legs and was limited to his yard. He kept saying the most irritating things. We caved in to his taunts and decided to threaten him, from across the fence between us. Later in life, I talked to him and realized he was a great person.


  • I was mad at him and did not want the best for him.
  • I heard hurtful things, and wanted him hurt.
  • I did not have the right words to pray, or the right attitude.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw another angel who received a gold incense container. The angel mixed the incense with the prayers of GOD’s people, probably to make the ugliest prayers into something fragrant to GOD. Both the incense and the prayers were added to the altar and offered to GOD as a burnt offering, similar to the sacrifice of an old testament  lamb to cleanse sin.


My Observations:

  • GOD knows when I pray with the wrong motive.
  • GOD knows when I pray selfish prayers.
  • GOD loves when my prayers are purified by HIS SON’s forgiveness.


Even my prayers can stink! I mean, in the moment of hurt or anger, I may not be willing or able to be as forgiving as GOD. I may want my enemies hurt or at least, taught a lesson. I may put some things before GOD that truly stinks and needs cleansing. GOD accounted for that.


HE takes the prayers I pray with the right motive and mixed it in with my prayers that may have a selfish motive and cleanses them to be acceptable to HIM. HE knows the root of the prayer and also knows that HE wants all people saved. HE sees those who have tried to harm other people on purpose and has a plan for that. My job is to align my prayers to GOD’s desires.



  • Do you think the prayers of GOD’s people that the writer mentions, contain words of hurt from people who do not know GOD and caused harm on purpose?
  • What result do you notice?
  • Will you align your prayers to the example of JESUS, who cared for HIS enemies and said “FATHER, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing?”

Friday, June 21, 2024



Revelation 8: When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets.



When the door opened, the laughter and playing stopped. Moments before, everyone was up chattering and doing the opposite of what we were told. “Stay in your seats” the teacher said before leaving. When she got back, we hurried to our seats. There was silence.


  • Our silence could have been followed by someone saying “Uh-oh!”
  • Our silence was to see what would happen.
  • Our silence was not going to be broken by us, but by the one in authority.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the LAMB open the seventh and final seal. Every being in heaven stopped whatever they were doing to become silent for about thirty minutes. Then the seven angels were given seven trumpets. Something was about to happen.


My Observations:

  • Silence in heaven showed a transition in tone.
  • Silence meant something serious was about to happen.
  • The seventh seal being opened meant the sentence was fully in affect.

Quieting down is sometimes hard to do. I mean, to escape the worries of the world, I use noisy things like movies, TV or music to drown out thoughts of problems and troubles. In fact, I was afraid of turning off music or talking when driving my car. BUT GOD enjoys when I can be silent with HIM.

Silence is important. There is a tone of serenity with silence, but in this case, it was to mark the start of the end of Satan’s full sentence. GOD’s people do not have to worry about this sentence, because JESUS has saved all who believe in HIM.


  • What do you think the writer was doing in that half an hour period?
  • Have you ever been in a noisy crowd that suddenly got silent?
  • Will you take some time to become silent before the LORD so you can hear what HE has in store for you today?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Safely Through

Safely Through

Revelation 7: 13 One of the elders asked me, “Who are these people dressed in white robes, and where do they come from?”
14 “I don't know, sir. You do,” I answered.
He said to me, “These are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecution. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they stand before God's throne and serve him day and night in his temple. He who sits on the throne will protect them with his presence. 16 Never again will they hunger or thirst; neither sun nor any scorching heat will burn them, 17 because the Lamb, who is in the center of the throne, will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”




Hearing the announcement did not put my mind at ease. “This is your captain speaking. We will be experiencing some turbulence. Fasten your seatbelts.” The message came suddenly and the flight attendants scurried to their seats. A few minutes later, the plane shook violently and did a sudden dip!


  • I was alarmed a little when I heard the warning.
  • I was more alarmed when I saw how fast the flight attendants ran to their seats.
  • I was even more alarmed when the plane went through the turbulence, but afterwards things got calm.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, is asked a rhetorical question from one of the twenty-four elders who sits before GOD’s throne. “Who are these people dressed in white robes, and where do they come from?” He is given an unexpected answer. “These are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecution”


My Observations:

  • GOD is with me when I am persecuted.
  • Persecution for preaching JESUS is seen by GOD and HE allows me to go through it, not around it.
  • Coming safely through persecution means I can receive the benefits of GOD’s protection.


Going through difficult times stinks! I mean, who wants to face persecution from people who could care less about GOD? Unfortunately, this is a reality that believers must face. Persecution cannot be prayed away or wished away, because even JESUS went through it.


HE faced persecution from HIS own creation who murdered HIM for HIS love and kindness. HE sent a COMFORTER, because HE knew we would need comfort from persecution. The HOLY SPIRIT is there to stand with me when I face turbulent times.



  • What encouraging message did the writer get from the conversation?
  • Have you ever felt like asking “Why me?” when facing a difficult time?
  • Will you know that GOD is going through the difficult time with you and is giving you the strength to hold on so you can make it “safely through” the turbulence of life today?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Revelation 7: After this I looked, and there was an enormous crowd—no one could count all the people! They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood in front of the throne and of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches in their hands. 10 They called out in a loud voice: “Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the throne, and from the Lamb!” 11 All the angels stood around the throne, the elders, and the four living creatures. Then they threw themselves face downward in front of the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying, “Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power, and might belong to our God forever and ever! Amen!”




Having only been to local carnivals, I was excited to go to one of the more famous amusement parks. I had never been at this park so I did not know what to expect. At a certain time, everyone stopped as a parade went through the crowd. There was singing, laughter and smiles!


  • For a moment, I was excited!
  • It seemed like everyone was excited with me.
  • People from every race cheered and celebrated for a small moment.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, is shown the throne of GOD one more time. This time he sees “an enormous crowd—no one could count all the people!” Everyone gathered to worship GOD voluntarily and without holding back!


My Observations:

  • GOD’s love allows me to choose HIM or not.
  • When I choose GOD’s love, I am never be disappointed.
  • I look forward to every race, tribe, nation and language celebrating together without holding back.


Celebrations are fun! I mean, when I celebrate, I forget all about the cares and worries I carry. But one day there will be no worries, only celebration!.


GOD wants us to be with HIM voluntarily. This provides a way to celebrate with choice. A number of people that cannot be counted will be celebrating. I cannot wait!



  • Can you see the excitement from the writer?
  • Have you ever been part of a celebration?
  • Will you give your life to GOD so you can me part of a family that is so vast that it cannot be counted?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Roles Identified

Roles Identified

Revelation 7: After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so that no wind should blow on the earth or the sea or against any tree. And I saw another angel coming up from the east with the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels to whom God had given the power to damage the earth and the sea. The angel said, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees, until we mark the servants of our God with a seal on their foreheads.” And I was told that the number of those who were marked with God's seal on their foreheads was 144,000. They were from the twelve tribes of Israel, 5-8 twelve thousand from each tribe: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.




At the event we were told to “Find your leader.” The instructions were clarified by having us find the person wearing a certain tee shirt color and carrying a pennant with the group name we were splitting up into.


  • I found my leader easily.
  • I was able to find my group easily.
  • I was also able to separate from the larger crowd to form a smaller group.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, sees various roles identified for a special purpose. First he saw powerful angels who could damage the earth and the sea, but were told not to by another angel, who had an important role. This angel gave instructions to mark 12,000 people with GOD’s special seal that may be used for protection and as well as an identifier.


My Observations:

  • It’s amazing that GOD kept HIS promise to never leave the twelve tribes, even though they did some terrible things, like trying to kill Joseph.
  • GOD has a very specific plan with specific roles and specific numbers.
  • Another part of dismantling Satan’s temporary kingdom is to damage the earth and sea.


GOD is methodical. I mean, HE orchestrates plans for you and me that are precise. HE knows the numbers HE wants to use and when HE wants to use them. GOD’s power is shown through HIS angels, who could hold back wind.


HE does things for a reason, many times we don’t understand. Fortunately for us, HIS plans are to prosper us, not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future.



  • Why does the writer list the tribes of Israel?
  • Have you ever had a special role?
  • Will you accept JESUS as your Savior so you can be adopted into HIS family and given a role to play today?

Monday, June 17, 2024



Revelation 6: 12 And I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal. There was a violent earthquake, and the sun became black like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely red like blood. 13 The stars fell down to the earth, like unripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. 14 The sky disappeared like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and the powerful, and all other people, slave and free, hid themselves in caves and under rocks on the mountains. 16 They called out to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb! 17 The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand up against it?”




Asleep one night, we felt something. “Was that an earthquake?” I asked. I had never experienced an earthquake, so it was hard to describe the sensation of everything shaking without a storm being present. It was a small earthquake.


  • I was somewhat curious about an earthquake.
  • I wondered what an earthquake felt like.
  • I went right back to sleep because nothing was disturbed in the house.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the LAMB open the sixth seal. Immediately there was an unprecedented violent earthquake. that shook the entire planet. As volcanos erupted, the sky would be filled with ash causing the sun to look dark and the moon to appear blood red. Possibly, fragments blown in the sky rained down like fiery stars. No one would mistake this Day.


My Observations:

  • The Day of the LORD will not be mistaken.
  • People will see GOD’s power unlike never before.
  • No one will have to guess if GOD is angry, because HE will display it with unmatched fury!


Talking about the wrath of GOD is quite unpopular, but necessary. I mean, we want GOD to be nice, gentle and forgiving, which HE is. BUT HE also revealed what HE would do to Satan’s kingdom and that we should not ignore it like it will not happen.


In this sixth step of tearing down Satan’s temporary kingdom, GOD shows power that every nation would see and feel. No place would be spared. The Good News is, JESUS is not angry with those who believe in HIM. This HE promised.



  • Is the description the writer gives, frightening?
  • Have you ever said “I wonder if this situation came from GOD?”
  • Will you seek to understand why GOD showed us HIS wrath so you can be guided to be protected from it today?

Friday, June 14, 2024



Revelation 6: Then the Lamb broke open the fifth seal. I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been killed because they had proclaimed God's word and had been faithful in their witnessing. 10 They shouted in a loud voice, “Almighty Lord, holy and true! How long will it be until you judge the people on earth and punish them for killing us?” 11 Each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the complete number of other servants and believers were killed, as they had been.




Waiting to go have some fun, I looked at the time and wondered why we hadn’t left. “We are waiting on the rest of the people to get here before we leave” was the statement I did not want to hear.


  • I wanted to go have some fun right then and there.
  • I wanted to start the enjoyment.
  • I could not resolve waiting on people who I had no idea when they would arrive.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, witnessed the fifth seal being broken open by the LAMB. This time he saw the souls of people who had been killed because they proclaimed GOD’s word and were faithful in their witnessing. “How long?” was the question, not of impatience, but possibly out of weariness.


My Observations:

  • Persecution from the world can make believers of CHRIST weary.
  • GOD is protecting those who have been persecuted because of their belief in JESUS.
  • GOD has extreme mercy, so HE is waiting until the last person who will believe in JESUS to be saved, before HE pours out HIS judgment.


When will all of this be resolved? Is my question I ask GOD. I mean, I know HE is sovereign, so asking “why?” will usually be met with silence. But asking “How long?” is a question that aligns me to HIS will, knowing HE can and will take care of the mess the world is in.


GOD sees and cares, despite our disbelief. HE knows who belongs to HIM and who will persecute HIS believers. HE is not concerned about death because it does not stop HIM from having an eternal relationship with you and me. How long? Until we find the last person to be saved.



  • What conversation is the writer listening in on?
  • Have you ever thought that GOD is not in control because of all the things going on in the world?
  • Will you place your trust in GOD, because HE knows what is going on and is in total control of your situation today?

Thursday, June 13, 2024



Revelation 6: Then the Lamb broke open the fourth seal; and I heard the fourth living creature say,Come!” I looked, and there was a pale-colored horse. Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed close behind. They were given authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill by means of war, famine, disease, and wild animals.




Visiting relatives years ago, I saw a town that was busy. I didn’t think whether the town was thriving or not. Years later after a few major companies moved away, I went back and found a town that was no longer thriving.


  • I saw empty buildings.
  • I saw sickness escalating.
  • I saw animals start to invade.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the third living creature say “Come!” after the fourth seal of Satan’s sentence scroll was opened. This time two spirits were unleashed, namely Death and Hades respectively. This step in demolishing Satan’s cushy kingdom will cause many to die.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s devastation will not harm those who believe in CHRIST.
  • GOD’s sentence on Satan will not affect those who believe in JESUS.
  • Death has no power over those who believe in JESUS.


Death is scary but helps me grow up. I mean, who wants to go through the pain of dying? No one. It is not a fun subject, but necessary for believers to understand that JESUS is now the authority over eternal life.


While death may happen, believers will be raised from the dead, just like JESUS! GOD’s sentence, unfortunately, will be poured out on Satan and those who reject HIS SON as the Savior. This should give us fire to pray, teach and be sent to seek the lost with urgency.



  • Are the writer’s words scary?
  • Is death a subject you would like to avoid?
  • Will you believe in JESUS so you can have a healthy, less scary, view of death; knowing you will be raised from the dead or possibly will avoid death all together if JESUS returns before you die?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Revelation 6: Then the Lamb broke open the third seal; and I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. I heard what sounded like a voice coming from among the four living creatures, which said, “A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages. But do not damage the olive trees and the vineyards!”




Getting in my car, I noticed the seat would no longer stay upright. Having no money to spend on this, I figured out a solution. I grabbed a block of wood and propped up the seat. “There! Good as new!”


  • My wages were not enough to cover the expense of the repair.
  • My wages were only enough to pay for rent and gas to get me back to work.
  • My wages were not enough for any luxury, so I ate wisely.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the third living creature say “Come!” after the third seal of Satan’s sentence scroll was opened. A spirit of greed was unleashed. Then John heard a voice from among the four living creatures. People would work hard and barely have enough money to eat.


My Observations:

  • GOD will dismantle Satan’s temporary kingdom by allowing greedy people to raise prices.
  • Greed will cause painful desires on the poor to want something better.
  • GOD is in control of what gets damaged and what does not.


Greed is a silent killer. I mean, the world praises the rich and powerful and says “too bad” to the poor and powerless. As greed escalates, new words emerge that make people desire a piece of heaven on earth and justify indulgences. BUT GOD has all the wealth.


JESUS looked at humanity and cared enough to die for it. HE saw a price that no one could pay but HIM. Life itself was at stake. HE gave HIS life so you and I would not have to. HE gave up everything for us. But now HE is the most wealthy being and wants to share HIS love with us.



  • Does the writer convey unfairness?
  • Does it seem like the rich and powerful get richer and the poor stay poor?
  • Will you place your hope in JESUS who is methodically taking down Satan’s kingdom?

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



Revelation 6: Then the Lamb broke open the second seal; and I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given the power to bring war on the earth, so that people should kill each other. He was given a large sword.




Walking down the hall after practice, I was met with a fist in the chest. I saw stars and in a dizzy state fell against the lockers. Tired of bullies, I wanted to get “big.” I lifted weights and became stronger. One guy at the gym who was bigger than me wanted to go to a bar to pick on people. “No thanks” I replied.


  • I thought that fighting was a good idea until I was invited to do the bullying.
  • I thought that I needed to be prepared for battle, so I wanted to get my defenses up.
  • I thought that if someone was combative, I needed to be combative to “win.”


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the second living creature say “Come!” after the second seal of Satan’s sentence scroll was opened. A spirit of combativeness was unleashed, causing people to fight and to kill one another. This is the second step in tearing down Satan’s kingdom.


My Observations:

  • GOD showed us how HE would take down Satan’s kingdom by using unwarranted fights.
  • War can easily happen when the heart is ready to fight.
  • Destruction is the solution of war.


Fighting stinks and unwarranted fighting stinks more. I mean, whether passive or aggressive, attacks, combat and war only ends up in destruction. No one wins. BUT GOD has a remedy. JESUS.


Every human is capable of war because there is a war inside us. At times we fight against GOD by trying to get our own way and other we side with HIM by trying to get HIS way. Fortunately for us HIS will, will be done.



  • What is the tone of the writer?
  • Have you ever been so frustrated that your only way out is to fight?
  • Will you mimic JESUS and drop your defenses by adding love as your weapon today?

Monday, June 10, 2024



Revelation 6: Then I saw the Lamb break open the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice that sounded like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown. He rode out as a conqueror to conquer.




Having gotten comfortable in my role, I brought pictures in to decorate my desk. I displayed trophies of accolades and planned times to gather at my desk for enjoyment. But then a new set of leaders came in and caused everyone to feel uncomfortable as to whether they would stay with the company or not.


  • I did not see the takeover happen.
  • I felt uncomfortable at a place I once felt relaxed.
  • I heard the smooth words of the new leaders, but knew it was the beginning of the end.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard one of the four living creatures say one word, “come!” The creature then showed John the beginning of the end of Satan’s kingdom. When Satan was thrown out of heaven, his fate was sealed. This first of seven seals brought on a conquering spirit to make people want to take over.


My Observations:

  • Hostile takeovers make the world an uncomfortable place to be.
  • People who try to lie, cheat and steal will desire to conquer the “weak.”
  • GOD will unleash a conqueror  to make the world uncomfortable.


Saying the earth will be destroyed is unpopular. I mean, within each one of us is built in self-preservation. Why would GOD destroy what HE made? Same reason HE cursed the earth and HIS creation, namely sin. BUT GOD has a remedy!


JESUS saved those who believe in GOD’s curse on humans when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. GOD’s judgement will happen and people focus on that. BUT HE wants us to focus on the cure rather than the ailment. There is a way out, namely to simply believe JESUS made a way.



  • Why do you think the writer mentions the loud voice that sounded like thunder?
  • Are you trying to become comfortable here on earth?
  • Will you help seek GOD’s Kingdom which is people who need to be saved versus relying on false comfort of Satan’s kingdom which seems okay, but will take you away from CHRIST?

Friday, June 7, 2024

Everything Craved

Everything Craved

Revelation 5: 11 Again I looked, and I heard angels, thousands and millions of them! They stood around the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders, 12 and sang in a loud voice:

“The Lamb who was killed is worthy
    to receive power, wealth, wisdom, and strength,
    honor, glory, and praise!”
13 And I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, in the world below, and in the sea—all living beings in the universe—and they were singing:

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb,
    be praise and honor, glory and might,
    forever and ever!”

14 The four living creatures answered, “Amen!” And the elders fell down and worshiped.




After struggling for years to pay my bills, it felt good to be able to pay for rent and a car payment. After a while, I was able to get a house and another new car because I got a “better” job. This wasn’t enough. I needed to be a decision maker so I climbed the corporate ladder in pursuit of a title.


  • I tied a personal cause to it to justify the enormous amount of hours spent seeking power.
  • I thought I needed a title to “help” other people.
  • I thought “I” was the answer to other people’s problems and I needed to be strong.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, is given another look at the throne area where GOD sat and JESUS was standing. Thousands of millions of powerful angels surrounded the throne, possibly protecting it, but also engaged in worship. Another son was sang, this time with a chorus. The song was about JESUS receiving power, wealth, wisdom, and strength, honor, glory, and praise!”


My Observations:

  • GOD is so powerful and I am so weak and I sometimes want the things JESUS deserves.
  • GOD has everything and since HE is made of pure love, is willing to share it with me.
  • JESUS did what no other could do and that is die for my sins and be raised from the dead.


All the things I want, JESUS has. I mean, I sometimes want power, wealth, wisdom, and strength, honor, glory, and praise!” I may even work a little longer and harder when I get even a couple of these items on the list. BUT JESUS is the only one who deserves these items.


JESUS did what no other being did, namely gave HIS life for HIS creation. HE is placed over everything. No power can come up against JESUS. The throne room scene by John shows the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT with all power, wealth, wisdom, and strength,  honor, glory, and praise!” My crave is to yield my desires to GOD.



  • Did the writer present the presence of GOD as a weakling?
  • Have you ever thought GOD was a pushover because HE is showing you grace and mercy?
  • Will you contemplate your view of power, wealth, wisdom, and strength,  honor, glory, and praise so you can give it to JESUS and HE will share it with you?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Song of Unity

Song of Unity

Revelation 5:They sang a new song:

“You are worthy to take the scroll
    and to break open its seals.
For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God
    people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
10 You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God,

    and they shall rule on earth.”




Being called by a racial slur, made me want to fight. I figured, that intimidation would be the best weapon to make sure this offense would never happen again. I got a huge friend to go into the room with me as we faced the name caller and his 8 friends.


  • I wanted to fight because of disrespect.
  • I wanted to combat any racial inequality that existed.
  • I wanted to make an example of the people who secretly harbored racism in their hearts.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard a song from the four creatures, who’s image he could not describe well and from the twenty-four elders. They sang a song that shows how much JESUS loves “every tribe, language, nation, and race.”


My Observations:

  • JESUS did not die for one flag, rather all nations.
  • JESUS loves people who do not look like me or talk like me.
  • JESUS showed me the example I am supposed to follow, namely loving all for HIS kingdom purpose.


Unity seems important to GOD. I mean, HE gave a new command to follow which is “Love one another.” HE does not take this lightly. HE sees every tribe, HE speaks every language loves every nation and adores every race. Unfortunately, humans want power and seek superiority.


GOD has a new song that was sang about JESUS. HE overcame racism, sexism, ageism and any other “ism” to provide unity to the world. HIS love covers all our sins! We can rejoice with everyone who believes!



  • Does the song recorded by the writer sound joyous?
  • Is there a race you would prefer to see placed over other races?
  • Will you focus on loving one another just as JESUS commanded you so unity can be spread throughout the world through you today?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Least Important Became Most

Least Important Became Most

Revelation 5: Then I saw a Lamb standing in the center of the throne, surrounded by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb appeared to have been killed. It had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God that have been sent through the whole earth. The Lamb went and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne. As he did so, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each had a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God's people.




When problems hit, I began to plan. “My” plans had worked before, so why not now. But the problem got worse and seemed to split into multiple problems. The more “I” tried to fix things the worse thing got. “Pray” someone said. Everything else failed, so I did. The problems started going away.


  • I thought my plans would work.
  • I thought I needed to take action.
  • I realized that prayer should have been first.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw JESUS as the sacrificial Lamb standing, not sitting, in the center of the throne. HE had been viewed as the least important and was murdered by HIS own creation. The Lamb was able to take the scroll from the one who “sits” on the throne. Twenty-eight bowls filled with prayers of GOD’s people were there.


My Observations:

  • JESUS was overlooked and was labeled the least important.
  • JESUS volunteered to be blamed, slandered, and murdered for our sins.
  • Prayer, surprisingly, is the only thing I can create here on earth that makes it into heaven.


One item that seems to be most valuable to GOD is prayer. HE loves prayer so much that HE stores each prayer up in a bowl. It makes me realize that it is not about the situation, rather it is about my prayer that GOD adores.


HE loves when I see beyond the circumstance to ask, or praise, or simply to give thanks. Every work I speak in sincere prayer makes it into the bowl. People say “You can’t take it with you” referring to money. But prayer is something I can take with me to heaven.



  • What does the writer say about the seven continents of world?
  • Have you ever been in a situation that you thought more money or more fame would get you out of the problem?
  • Will you pray to GOD and “ask” or “praise” or “thank” HIM for what HE’s already done so your prayer can be placed in a bowl before GOD’s throne today?