Thursday, June 27, 2024

Fish and Ships

Fish and Ships

Revelation 8: Then the second angel blew his trumpet. Something that looked like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea was turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.




Fishing at a stocked lake was enjoyable. We caught several fish that were noteworthy. We went to other lakes that had fish at one point, but upon returning, the lakes seemed dead. “What happened to all the fish?” I pondered.


  • I enjoyed fishing.
  • I have seen lakes with fish jumping out of the water.
  • I never wondered what it would be like if there were no fish.



John, the disciple JESUS loved, hears the second of seven trumpets blown. This second step of taking down Satan’s kingdom, was focused on the sea. A third of the fish and ships were killed and destroyed, more than likely to affect tourism, commercial fishing and goods and services trading.


My Observations:

  • GOD doesn’t seem to be afraid of destroying the earth HE created, because HE is powerful enough to protect humans.
  • Once GOD cursed something, there is no power to turn it back into being blessed.
  • GOD’s people who believe in JESUS as the Savior will not have to experience a second death.


Destruction is usually an attribute we do not like to give to GOD, but is necessary. I mean, HE tells us what is coming and how HE will do it. We have to believe HE is going to do what HE says HE will do.


GOD warns us so we can have plenty of time to get in alignment with HIM. HE laid out HIS plan as clear as possible, showing us HE will take down Satan’s kingdom and bring HIS kingdom into full glory. This is not a time to be scared, but it is not a time to rejoice either, for GOD does not wish anyone to perish. This is a time to prepare.



  • How do you think the writer felt about writing this?
  • Have you ever asked GOD to show HIS plan to you?
  • Since HE has shown HIS plan, do you agree with HIS methods or does it raise more questions?
  • Will you seek a different set of questions and allow HIS plan for your life to be shown to you without trying to steer GOD into getting your way but HIS?

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