Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Nature’s Closing

Nature’s Closing

Revelation 8:Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.

The first angel blew his trumpet. Hail and fire, mixed with blood, came pouring down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass.




Going to a department store that a famous building was named after seemed like a fun trip. People were everywhere and the smell of popcorn whiffed from one area of the store. This store seemed invincible because they had “everything.” But one day, after a century of business, they announced the store closing.


  • I went into a store and there was not much left.
  • I saw that a third of everything was gone and the place looked empty.
  • Every sale was final and there would be no more replenishment.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the first angel blow the trumpet. This was the first sound after the silence brought on by the opening of the seventh seal. This marked the beginning of seven more steps in tearing down Satan’s kingdom. A third of all earth’s resources were burned up.


My Observations:

  • Salvation is quite merciful and should be transformative.
  • GOD said what HE would do, so my life should change to reflect my belief in HIS warning.
  • GOD’s people do not have to worry about HIS wrath because JESUS saved us.


Trying to change GOD’s mind about tearing down Satan’s kingdom is futile. I mean, JESUS gave HIS all to have a relationship with us and HE told us what HE is going to do. Unfortunately, many people do not want to hear that GOD will take care of Satan in a powerful, unprecedented way.


Salvation is more than avoiding wrath. GOD has incredible love. Those who believe in JESUS will be spared from this wrath, BUT HE wants more than fear. HE wants a relationship with HIS creation and it take transformation of our mindset to “belong” to HIM.



  • Are the writer’s words scary?
  • Have you ever seen something plentiful, then saw it not as plentiful?
  • Will you turn fear into dedication by being transformed to serve GOD the way HE desires today?

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