Thursday, June 6, 2024

Song of Unity

Song of Unity

Revelation 5:They sang a new song:

“You are worthy to take the scroll
    and to break open its seals.
For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God
    people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
10 You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God,

    and they shall rule on earth.”




Being called by a racial slur, made me want to fight. I figured, that intimidation would be the best weapon to make sure this offense would never happen again. I got a huge friend to go into the room with me as we faced the name caller and his 8 friends.


  • I wanted to fight because of disrespect.
  • I wanted to combat any racial inequality that existed.
  • I wanted to make an example of the people who secretly harbored racism in their hearts.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard a song from the four creatures, who’s image he could not describe well and from the twenty-four elders. They sang a song that shows how much JESUS loves “every tribe, language, nation, and race.”


My Observations:

  • JESUS did not die for one flag, rather all nations.
  • JESUS loves people who do not look like me or talk like me.
  • JESUS showed me the example I am supposed to follow, namely loving all for HIS kingdom purpose.


Unity seems important to GOD. I mean, HE gave a new command to follow which is “Love one another.” HE does not take this lightly. HE sees every tribe, HE speaks every language loves every nation and adores every race. Unfortunately, humans want power and seek superiority.


GOD has a new song that was sang about JESUS. HE overcame racism, sexism, ageism and any other “ism” to provide unity to the world. HIS love covers all our sins! We can rejoice with everyone who believes!



  • Does the song recorded by the writer sound joyous?
  • Is there a race you would prefer to see placed over other races?
  • Will you focus on loving one another just as JESUS commanded you so unity can be spread throughout the world through you today?

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